A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purposeplay


instructions altered to suit the children's different ages


adapted; altered

Classified under:



modified (changed in form or character)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

Past simple / past participle of the verb adapt


 Context examples: 

The researchers also tested mice with glioblastomas, treating an experimental group with a mouse-adapted strain of ZIKV.

(Zika virus selectively infects and kills glioblastoma cells in mice, National Institutes of Health)

Flu viruses adapted to humans and other mammals bind preferentially to a type of SA called alpha 2,6 SA (α2,6 SA), which is the predominant form found in the upper respiratory tract of mammals.

(Researchers find role for soft palate in adaptation of transmissible influenza viruses, NIH)

The finding lends support to the idea that the evolution of present-day animals in the Arctic traces back to ancestors that adapted to life in cold regions in the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau.

("Out of Tibet" hypothesis: Cradle of evolution for cold-adapted mammals is in Tibet, NSF)

They adapted to extreme environments very quickly, and were highly mobile.

(DNA from 31,000-year-old milk teeth leads to discovery of new group of ancient Siberians, University of Cambridge)

Many bacterial infections have become difficult to treat because the microbes responsible have adapted to become resistant to the most effective antibiotics.

(Antibiotic Combinations May Combat MRSA Infections, NIH)

Scrapie, which affects sheep and goats and can be adapted to rodents, is closely related to human prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is currently untreatable.

(Experimental treatment slows prion disease, extends life of mice, National Institutes of Health)

This may have implications for an origin of life in freshwater hot springs on land, rather than the more widely discussed idea that life developed in the ocean and adapted to land later.

(First Life Ever on Land: 3.48 Billion Years Ago, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The researchers adapted a diagnostic test originally developed for prion diseases to detect abnormal clusters of tau protein.

(New test detects protein associated with Alzheimer’s and CTE, National Institutes of Health)

This room is not well adapted for a cell, and Mr. Patrick Cairns occupies too large a proportion of our carpet.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Grades 1 and 2 follicular lymphomas are indolent and grade 3 is more aggressive (adapted from WHO, 2001).

(Follicular lymphoma, NCI Thesaurus)


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