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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Further or addedplay


an extra pair of shoes


additional; extra

Classified under:



additive (characterized or produced by addition)


 Context examples: 

A implantable cardiac pacemaker with an additional third lead placed in the left ventricle that is designed to keep the contractions of the ventricles synchronized with each other.

(Biventricular Pacemaker, NCI Thesaurus)

Carotenoid consisting of a cyclic structure on each end with additional double bonds at the number 5 and 5' carbon atoms of the cyclic structures.

(Beta-Carotene, NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)

There are at least 2 additional exons encoding the 5-prime untranslated region.

(BCSC-1, NCI Thesaurus)

Examples include responses to information requests, additional draft labeling during negotiations, etc.

(Amendment Regulatory Submission, Food and Drug Administration)

Its equilibrium temperature — that is, the temperature based only on energy it receives from the star, which ignores additional warming effects from a possible atmosphere — is around 490 degrees Fahrenheit (254 degrees Celsius).

(NASA’s TESS Mission Scores ‘Hat Trick’ With 3 New Worlds, NASA)

However, additional measurements and calibration of the sensors are needed to determine the precise correlation between blood and sweat glucose levels using the device.

(Diagnosing cystic fibrosis with wearable devices, NIH)

Be that as it may, she saw him go with regret; and in this early example of what Lydia's infamy must produce, found additional anguish as she reflected on that wretched business.

(Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)

This gives it an equilibrium temperature — calculated without accounting for the additional warming effects of a possible atmosphere — of around 490 degrees Fahrenheit (254 degrees Celsius).

(Confirmation of Toasty TESS Planet Leads to Surprising Find of Promising World, NASA)

An additional 1,327 candidates are more likely than not to be actual planets, but they do not meet the 99 percent threshold and will require additional study.

(Kepler Mission Announces Largest Collection of Planets Ever Discovered, NASA)

Although the new model adequately described many ultrahot Jupiters on the books, some outliers do remain, suggesting that additional aspects of these worlds' atmospheres still need to be understood.

(Water Is Destroyed, Then Reborn in Ultrahot Jupiters, NASA/JPL)


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