A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A public promotion of some product or serviceplay


ad; advert; advertisement; advertising; advertizement; advertizing

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("advertizing" is a kind of...):

packaging; promo; promotion; promotional material; publicity (a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "advertizing"):

direct mail (advertising sent directly to prospective customers via the mail)

preview; prevue; trailer (an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future)

advertorial (an advertisement that is written and presented in the style of an editorial or journalistic report)

mailer (an advertisement that is sent by mail)

newspaper ad; newspaper advertisement (a printed advertisement that is published in a newspaper)

commercial; commercial message (a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television)

bill; broadsheet; broadside; circular; flier; flyer; handbill; throwaway (an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution)

teaser (an advertisement that offers something free in order to arouse customers' interest)

top billing (the advertisement of a star's name at the top of a theatrical poster)

 II. (verb) 

Sense 1

-ing form of the verb advertize



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