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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Bulbous plants having a characteristic pungent onion odorplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("alliaceous plant" is a kind of...):

liliaceous plant (plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "alliaceous plant"):

Allium triquetrum; three-cornered leek; triquetrous leek (European leek naturalized in Great Britain; leaves are triangular)

Allium sphaerocephalum; round-headed leek (Old World leek with a spherical bulb)

Allium tuberosum; Chinese chive; garlic chive; Oriental garlic (a plant of eastern Asia; larger than Allium schoenoprasum)

Allium ursinum; Ramsons; wild garlic; wood garlic (pungent Old World weedy plant)

Allium tricoccum; ramp; wild leek (North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers)

Allium schoenoprasum; chive; chives; cive; schnittlaugh (perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning)

Allium scorodoprasum; giant garlic; rocambole; sand leek; Spanish garlic (European leek cultivated and used like leeks)

Allium sativum; garlic (bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves)

Allium paradoxum; few-flowered leek (leek producing bulbils instead of flowers; Russia and Iran)

Allium neopolitanum; daffodil garlic; flowering onion; Naples garlic (European onion with white flowers)

Allium porrum; leek; scallion (plant having a large slender white bulb and flat overlapping dark green leaves; used in cooking; believed derived from the wild Allium ampeloprasum)

Allium cepa; onion; onion plant (bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb)

Allium carinatum; keeled garlic (Eurasian bulbous plant)

Allium canadense; Canada garlic; meadow leek; rose leek (North American bulbous plant)

Allium ampeloprasum; kurrat; Levant garlic; wild leek (coarse Old World perennial having a large bulb and tall stalk of greenish purple-tinged flowers; widely naturalized)

wild onion (any of various plants of the genus Allium with edible bulbs found growing wild)

Holonyms ("alliaceous plant" is a member of...):

Allium; genus Allium (large genus of perennial and biennial pungent bulbous plants: garlic; leek; onion; chive; sometimes placed in family Alliaceae as the type genus)



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