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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Oval-shaped edible seed of the almond treeplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting foods and drinks

Hypernyms ("almond" is a kind of...):

edible nut (a hard-shelled seed consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell)

drupe; stone fruit (fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond; peach; plum; cherry; elderberry; olive; jujube)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "almond"):

Jordan almond (an almond covered with a sugar coating that is hard and flavored and colored)

Holonyms ("almond" is a part of...):

almond; Amygdalus communis; Prunus amygdalus; Prunus dulcis; sweet almond (small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and California)

Sense 2


Small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and Californiaplay


almond; Amygdalus communis; Prunus amygdalus; Prunus dulcis; sweet almond

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("almond" is a kind of...):

almond tree (any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing nuts)

Meronyms (parts of "almond"):

almond (oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "almond"):

jordan almond (variety of large almond from Malaga, Spain; used in confectionery)


 Context examples: 

A color liquid aldehyde with an almond odor.

(Benzaldehyde, NCI Thesaurus)

Despite its numerous vital functions, the hypothalamus in humans accounts for only 1/300 of total brain weight, and is about the size of an almond.

(Hypothalamus, NCI Thesaurus)

A pale-yellow to red fatty oil; soluble in ether, chloroform, and carbon disulfide; taste and aroma are similar to almond oil; the oil is expressed from blanched seeds of peaches or apricots; used as a flavoring, in medicine, and as a nutrient similar to olive and almond oils.

(Persic Oil, NCI Thesaurus)

Foods high in magnesium include almonds, bananas, beans, broccoli, brown rice, cashews, egg yolk, fish oil, flaxseed, green vegetables, milk, mushrooms, other nuts, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soybeans, sunflower seeds, sweet corn, tofu, and whole grains (see: Foods, by content of Magnesium, Mg)

(Low Magnesium Levels Make Vitamin D Ineffective, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Alternatively, you may have been dealing with a psycho landlord, or a roommate who ate up all your lamb chops and left you with no dinner and only an inch of milk (or almond milk) in the container for coffee.

(AstrologyZone.com, by Susan Miller)

For example, while an ounce of almonds has approximately 160 calories, not all of those calories may be available to be used by the human body.

(Going Nuts Over Calories, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Almonds were found to have 32 percent fewer calories of ME than what is on the label: 129 calories instead of 168-170 calories.

(Going Nuts Over Calories, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

They also looked at almonds, and here, too, found the trend continued.

(Going Nuts Over Calories, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

They measured the ME in different forms of almonds and the Atwater factors - traditionally, calorie values for foods are calculated using the Atwater system - overestimated the ME of whole raw, whole roasted, and chopped roasted almonds by 25 percent, 19 percent, and 17 percent, respectively.

(Going Nuts Over Calories, U.S. Department of Agriculture)


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