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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Mainly green tropical American parrotsplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("amazon" is a kind of...):

parrot (usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds)

Holonyms ("amazon" is a member of...):

Amazona; genus Amazona (a genus of Psittacidae)

Sense 2


A major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world's 2nd longest river (4000 miles)play


Amazon; Amazon River

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)

Instance hypernyms:

river (a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek))

Holonyms ("Amazon" is a part of...):

Brasil; Brazil; Federative Republic of Brazil (the largest Latin American country and the largest Portuguese speaking country in the world; located in the central and northeastern part of South America; world's leading coffee exporter)

Peru; Republic of Peru (a republic in western South America; achieved independence from Spain in 1821; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries)

Sense 3


(Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively)play

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("Amazon" is a kind of...):

mythical being (an imaginary being of myth or fable)

Domain category:

Greek mythology (the mythology of the ancient Greeks)

Sense 4


A large strong and aggressive womanplay


amazon; virago

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("amazon" is a kind of...):

adult female; woman (an adult female person (as opposed to a man))


 Context examples: 

Since 2004, deforestation in the Amazon rainforest has been reduced by more than 70%, after the second-highest peak ever since it has been monitored (27,772 kmĀ²).

(Amazon lost 7,989 km² of forest in 12 months, Agência Brasil)

There is the country of the Amazons, and the country of the dwarfs, and the country of the fair but evil women who slay with beholding, like the basilisk.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

These animals include jaguars, Spix's macaws, harpy eagles, vinaceous-breasted amazons, crowned solitary eagles, hawksbill turtles, green turtles, tarantulas, Amazon false coral snakes, Brazilian green racer snakes, cream-colored woodpeckers, blue spiny starfish, sharks, seahorses, piaba fish, sawfish, bluefin tuna, brown howler monkeys.

(Over 300 animal species threatened in Bahia, Agência Brasil)

Countries and regions most impacted by changes in MJO behaviour are the Maritime Continent region, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, parts of Malaysia, northern Australia, West Pacific, Amazon basin and southwest Africa, where rainfall is increasing, the study says.

(Global disasters linked to warming Indo-Pacific seas, SciDev.Net)

It comes after record fires in the Brazilian Amazon last year burned around 1 million hectares of forest between July and September, according to official statistics, while environmental organisations put the figure at more than double that.

(Australian bushfire smoke drifts to South America, SciDev.Net)

Anything more exquisite than her appearance, in her purple habit, with her Amazon's cap of black velvet placed gracefully above the long curls that kissed her cheek and floated to her shoulders, can scarcely be imagined: and it was thus she would enter the rustic building, and glide through the dazzled ranks of the village children.

(Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë)

The construction of dams along the tributaries of the Amazon poses a serious threat to fish abundance and diversity.

(Amazon fish ‘face new threats’, SciDev.Net)

A separate study has reported that 140 hydroelectric dams are in operation or under construction along the Amazon basin, and another 288 are planned for the coming years.

(Amazon trees are major source of methane emission, SciDev.Net)

New research has discovered the tallest known tree in the Amazon, towering above the previous record holder at a height of 88.5 metres.

(Expedition finds tallest tree in the Amazon, University of Cambridge)

According to Ricardo Mello, who spearheads WWF-Brasil's Amazon Program, a mere 20% of the forest's ecosystem is known.

(Report unveils 381 new plant and animal species in Amazon, Agência Brasil)


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