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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A deep yellow colorplay


he admired the gold of her hair


amber; gold

Classified under:

Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects

Hypernyms ("amber" is a kind of...):

yellow; yellowness (yellow color or pigment; the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons)


amber (of a medium to dark brownish yellow color)

Sense 2


A hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin; used for jewelryplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting substances

Hypernyms ("amber" is a kind of...):

natural resin (a plant exudate)

 II. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Of a medium to dark brownish yellow colorplay


amber; brownish-yellow; yellow-brown

Classified under:



chromatic (being or having or characterized by hue)


amber (a deep yellow color)


 Context examples: 

A team of researchers from China, Canada, the United States, and Australia published on Wednesday their discovery of an early fossilized baby snake, reportedly the oldest ever found, in a piece of amber in the middle of a sandstone deposit in Myanmar.

(Cretaceous baby snake fossil found in Myanmar, Wikinews)

Researchers have discovered a perfectly preserved dinosaur tail in a piece of amber in Myanmar.

(Dinosaur Tail Found in Myanmar, VOA News)

Now it has, you see, been twice mended, once in the wooden stem and once in the amber.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Now and again a peaty amber colored stream rippled across their way, with ferny over-grown banks, where the blue kingfisher flitted busily from side to side, or the gray and pensive heron, swollen with trout and dignity, stood ankle-deep among the sedges.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

There was the great four-post bed with amber hangings as of old; there the toilet-table, the armchair, and the footstool, at which I had a hundred times been sentenced to kneel, to ask pardon for offences by me uncommitted.

(Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë)

The specimen, a piece of amber, was found in a sandstone deposit by fossil hunters who contacted scientists in 2016, and later donated it to the Dexu Institute of Paleontology in Chaozhou, China, where scientists were able to examine it closely.

(Cretaceous baby snake fossil found in Myanmar, Wikinews)

Lead researcher Lida Xing of the China University of Geosciences found the amber, originally from amber mines in Myanmar's Hukawng Valley, in a Myanmar market, where it had been mistaken for a preserved plant.

(Scientists find dinosaur feathers preserved in amber, Wikinews)

He added that the dinosaur likely was still filled with fluid when it was trapped in the resin that eventually became amber.

(Dinosaur Tail Found in Myanmar, VOA News)

A nice old briar with a good long stem of what the tobacconists call amber.

(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

On one portion of the amber, the tail is exposed, allowing chemists to analyze it.

(Dinosaur Tail Found in Myanmar, VOA News)


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