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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The serous fluid in which the embryo is suspended inside the amnionplay


before a woman gives birth her waters break


amnionic fluid; amniotic fluid; waters

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("amniotic fluid" is a kind of...):

bodily fluid; body fluid; humor; humour; liquid body substance (the liquid parts of the body)

Holonyms ("amniotic fluid" is a part of...):

amniotic cavity (the fluid-filled cavity that surrounds the developing embryo)


 Context examples: 

A clinical scoring method to monitor fetal asphyxia using four ultrasonic observations that include fetal breathing, fetal body movements, fetal tone, and amniotic fluid volume.

(Fetal Biophysical Profile, NCI Thesaurus)

Today, the same scientists have built on their previous findings by testing the amniotic fluid samples from the same 98 individuals sampled from the Danish Biobank, which has collected amniotic samples from over 100,000 pregnancies, but this time looking at another set of prenatal sex steroid hormones called oestrogens.

(High levels of oestrogen in the womb linked to autism, University of Cambridge)

Acute hypotension or cardiac arrest, acute hypoxia or coagulopathy in the absence of any other potential explanation related to the presence of amniotic fluid or the fetal debris within the maternal vascular system during the antepartum or intrapartum period.

(Amniotic Fluid Embolism, NCI Thesaurus)

F. nucleatum is ubiquitously found in the normal flora of the oral cavity but may be associated with periodontal disease as well as preterm births, where isolates have been found in amniotic fluid, placenta, and chorioamnionic membranes of women delivering prematurely.

(Fusobacterium nucleatum, NCI Thesaurus)

Typically associated with an amniotic fluid index (AFI) of less than 5 cm or a single maximum vertical pocket (MVP) of less than 2 cm.

(Oligohydramnios, NCI Thesaurus)

In 2015, a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge and the State Serum Institute in Denmark measured the levels of four prenatal steroid hormones, including two known as androgens, in the amniotic fluid in the womb and discovered that they were higher in male foetuses who later developed autism.

(High levels of oestrogen in the womb linked to autism, University of Cambridge)


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