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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any genus of amphibiansplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("amphibian genus" is a kind of...):

genus ((biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "amphibian genus"):

genus Siren (a genus of Sirenidae)

genus Rana; Rana (type genus of the Ranidae)

Eleutherodactylus; genus Eleutherodactylus (completely terrestrial robber frogs)

genus Hylactophryne; Hylactophryne (barking frogs)

genus Leptodactylus; Leptodactylus (type genus of the Leptodactylidae; in some classifications placed in the family Bufonidae)

genus Polypedates; Polypedates (type genus of the Polypedatidae)

Ascaphus; genus Ascaphus (type genus of the Ascaphidae; in some classifications included in the family Leiopelmatidae)

genus Leiopelma; genus Liopelma; Leiopelma; Liopelma (type and sole genus of the family Leiopelmatidae)

genus Bufo (type genus of the Bufonidae; common toads of New and Old Worlds)

Alytes; genus Alytes (midwife toads)

Bombina; genus Bombina (fire-bellied toads)

genus Scaphiopus; Scaphiopus (New World spadefoot toads)

genus Hyla; Hyla (the type genus of the Hylidae; tree toads)

Acris; genus Acris (cricket frogs)

genus Pseudacris; Pseudacris (chorus frogs)

genus Pternohyla; Pternohyla (burrowing tree frogs)

Gastrophryne; genus Gastrophryne (primarily tropical narrow-mouthed toads)

genus Hypopachus; Hypopachus (sheep frogs)

genus Pipa; Pipa (type genus of the Pipidae)

genus Xenopus; Xenopus (an African clawed frog; in some classifications made the type genus of a separate family Xenopodidae)

genus Hynerpeton; Hynerpeton (earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Pennsylvania)

genus Ichthyostega (second earliest fossil amphibian ever found; of the Devonian; found in Greenland)

genus Salamandra; Salamandra (type genus of the Salamandridae)

genus Triturus; Triturus (chiefly aquatic salamanders)

genus Notophthalmus; Notophthalmus (newts)

genus Taricha; Taricha (Pacific newts)

Ambystoma; genus Ambystoma (type genus of the Ambystomatidae)

Cryptobranchus; genus Cryptobranchus (type genus of the Cryptobranchidae)

genus Megalobatrachus; Megalobatrachus (giant salamanders; in some classifications included in the genus Cryptobranchus)

family Proteidae; Proteidae (mud puppies)

genus Proteus; Proteus (type genus of the Proteidae)

genus Necturus; Necturus (a genus of Proteidae)

genus Dicamptodon (type genus of the Dicamptodontidae)

genus Rhyacotriton; Rhyacotriton (olympic salamanders)

genus Plethodon; Plethodon (type genus of the Plethodontidae)

Desmograthus; genus Desmograthus (an amphibian genus of Plethodontidae)

Aneides; genus Aneides (climbing salamanders)

Batrachoseps; genus Batrachoseps (slender salamanders)

genus Hydromantes; Hydromantes (web-toed salamanders)

genus Amphiuma (congo snakes)

Holonyms ("amphibian genus" is a member of...):

Craniata; subphylum Craniata; subphylum Vertebrata; Vertebrata (fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals)



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