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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungiplay


antifungal; antifungal agent; antimycotic; antimycotic agent; fungicide

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("antifungal agent" is a kind of...):

agent (a substance that exerts some force or effect)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "antifungal agent"):

Bordeaux mixture (antifungal agent consisting of a solution of copper sulphate and quicklime)

Fulvicin; griseofulvin (a kind of penicillin (a fungicidal antibiotic with the trade name Fulvicin) produced by molds of the genus Penicillium)

Clioquinol; iodochlorhydroxyquin (drug used to treat certain fungal infection (as athlete's foot))

itraconazole; Sporanox (an oral antifungal drug (trade name Sporanox) taken for cases of fungal nail disease)

miconazole; Monistat (an antifungal agent usually administered in the form of a nitrate (trade name Monistat))

Mycostatin; Nystan; nystatin (an antifungal and antibiotic (trade names Mycostatin and Nystan) discovered in New York State; derived from soil fungi actinomycetes)

Lamisil; terbinafine (an oral antifungal drug (trade name Lamisil) used to treat cases of fungal nail disease)

thiabendazole (an antifungal agent and anthelmintic)

crystal violet; gentian violet (a green crystal (violet in water) used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment)


 Context examples: 

The hyrochloride salt form of amorolfine, a morpholine antifungal agent.

(Amorolfine Hydrochloride, NCI Thesaurus)

A synthetic, broad-spectrum antifungal agent with additional antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.

(Ciclopirox, NCI Thesaurus)

Mycostatin is a type of antifungal agent.

(Mycostatin, NCI Dictionary)

An aqueous suspension of the olamine salt form of ciclopirox, a synthetic, broad-spectrum hydroxypyridone antifungal agent with additional antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities.

(Ciclopirox Olamine Oral, NCI Thesaurus)

A synthetic amidine derivative, Pentamidine Isethionate is an antiprotozoal and antifungal agent that appears to interact with the minor groove of AT-rich DNA regions of the pathogen genome, interfering with DNA replication and function.

(Pentamidine isethionate, NCI Thesaurus)

A veterinary antifungal agent.

(Bensuldazic Acid, NCI Thesaurus)


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