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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugsplay


Apocynaceae; dogbane family; family Apocynaceae

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("Apocynaceae" is a kind of...):

dicot family; magnoliopsid family (family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination)

Meronyms (members of "Apocynaceae"):

genus Vinca; Vinca (periwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennials)

genus Trachelospermum; Trachelospermum (genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems)

genus Thevetia; Thevetia (genus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowers)

genus Tabernaemontana; Tabernaemontana (evergreen tropical trees and shrubs with milky sap)

genus Strophanthus (genus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small trees)

genus Rauvolfia; genus Rauwolfia (pantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small trees)

genus Plumeria; Plumeria; Plumiera (deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers)

genus Nerium; Nerium (one species: oleander)

Dipladenia; genus Dipladenia; genus Mandevilla; Mandevilla (genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap)

genus Holarrhena; Holarrhena (genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia)

Catharanthus; genus Catharanthus (small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca)

genus Carissa (Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs)

Beaumontia; genus Beaumontia (small genus of evergreen woody vines in the East Indies and Asia)

Amsonia; genus Amsonia (genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America)

Alstonia; genus Alstonia (genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia)

genus Allamanda (genus of tropical American woody vines)

Adenium; genus Adenium (one species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia)

Acocanthera; Acokanthera; genus Acocanthera; genus Acokanthera (small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa)

Apocynum; genus Apocynum (perennial herbs with small pink or white flowers)

Holonyms ("Apocynaceae" is a member of...):

Gentianales; order Gentianales (an order of dicotyledonous plants having gamopetalous flowers; Gentianaceae; Apocynaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae)



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