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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of the arthropodsplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("arthropod family" is a kind of...):

family ((biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "arthropod family"):

family Phalangiidae; Phalangiidae (a family of Phalangida)

Argiopidae; family Argiopidae; orb-weaver (spiders that spin orb webs; cosmopolitan in distribution)

family Theridiidae; Theridiidae (a family of comb-footed spiders)

family Theraphosidae; Theraphosidae (large tropical spiders; tarantulas)

family Lycosidae; Lycosidae (wolf spiders)

Ctenizidae; family Ctenizidae (large burrowing spiders)

family Ixodidae; Ixodidae (hard ticks)

Argasidae; family Argasidae (soft ticks)

Acaridae; family Acaridae; family Trombidiidae; Trombidiidae; family Trombiculidae; Trombiculidae (mites)

family Sarcoptidae; Sarcoptidae (small whitish mites)

family Tetranychidae; Tetranychidae (plant-feeding mites)

family Scutigeridae; Scutigeridae (a family of Chilopoda)

family Geophilidae; Geophilidae (small extremely elongate centipedes that live in earth)

family Limulidae; Limulidae (horseshoe crabs)

Cancridae; family Cancridae (many of the best known edible crabs)

family Portunidae; Portunidae (swimming crabs)

family Pinnotheridae; Pinnotheridae (tiny soft-bodied crabs)

family Lithodidae; Lithodidae (deep-sea crabs of cold waters)

family Majidae; Majidae (spider crabs)

family Homaridae; Homaridae (large-clawed lobsters)

family Nephropsidae; Nephropsidae (in some classifications coextensive with the Homaridae)

family Palinuridae; Palinuridae (spiny lobsters)

Astacidae; Astacura; family Astacidae (crayfish)

family Paguridae; Paguridae (hermit crabs)

Crangonidae; family Crangonidae (shrimps)

family Palaemonidae; Palaemonidae (prawns)

family Peneidae; Peneidae (tropical prawns)

family Mysidae; Mysidae (small shrimp-like crustaceans)

family Squillidae; Squillidae (crustaceans that burrow in mud or under stones in shallow water along the seashore)

Armadillidiidae; family Armadillidiidae (pill bugs)

family Oniscidae; Oniscidae (a family of Isopoda)

family Porcellionidae; Porcellionidae (sow bugs)

family Orchestiidae; Orchestiidae (beach fleas)

family Triopidae; Triopidae (a family of Notostraca)

Balanidae; family Balanidae (stalkless barnacles)

family Lepadidae; Lepadidae (goose barnacles)

family Peripatidae; Peripatidae; family Peripatopsidae; Peripatopsidae (a family of Onychophora)

Cicindelidae; family Cicindelidae (tiger beetles)

Coccinellidae; family Coccinellidae (the ladybugs)

Carabidae; family Carabidae (ground beetles)

family Lampyridae; Lampyridae (fireflies)

Cerambycidae; family Cerambycidae (long-horned beetles)

Chrysomelidae; family Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles)

Dermestidae; family Dermestidae (carpet beetles)

Cleridae; family Cleridae (beetles that prey on other insects)

Lamellicornia; superfamily Lamellicornia (scarabaeid beetles and stag beetles)

family Scarabaeidae; Scarabaeidae (scarab or dung beetles)

Melolonthidae; subfamily Melolonthidae; Cetoniidae; subfamily Cetoniidae (considered a separate family in some classification systems)

family Lucanidae; Lucanidae (stag beetles)

Elateridae; family Elateridae (click beetles and certain fireflies)

Dytiscidae; family Dytiscidae (water beetles)

family Gyrinidae; Gyrinidae (whirligig beetles)

Anobiidae; family Anobiidae (deathwatch beetles)

Curculionidae; family Curculionidae (true weevils: snout beetles)

family Meloidae; Meloidae (blister beetles)

family Ipidae; family Scolytidae; Ipidae; Scolytidae (large family of bark-boring or wood-boring short-beaked beetles; very destructive to forest and fruit trees)

family Staphylinidae; Staphylinidae (rove beetles)

family Tenebrionidae; Tenebrionidae (a family of arthropods including darkling beetles and mealworms)

Bruchidae; family Bruchidae (seed beetles)

family Pediculidae; Pediculidae (true lice: human lice and related forms)

family Phthiriidae; Phthiriidae (crab lice)

family Pulicidae; Pulicidae (many common fleas attacking humans and domestic animals)

Cecidomyidae; family Cecidomyidae (gall midges)

Muscoidea; superfamily Muscoidea (two-winged flies especially the families: Muscidae; Gasterophilidae; Calliphoridae; Tachinidae)

family Muscidae; Muscidae (two-winged flies especially the housefly)

family Glossinidae; Glossinidae (flies closely related to the Muscidae: tsetse flies)

Calliphoridae; family Calliphoridae (blowflies)

family Tachinidae; Tachinidae (parasites on other insects)

family Gasterophilidae; Gasterophilidae (horse botflies)

Cuterebridae; family Cuterebridae (New World botflies)

family Hypodermatidae; family Oestridae; Hypodermatidae; Oestridae (warble flies)

family Tabanidae; Tabanidae (horseflies)

Bombyliidae; family Bombyliidae (bee flies)

Asilidae; family Asilidae (robber flies)

family Trephritidae; family Trypetidae; Trephritidae; Trypetidae (fruit flies; some leaf miners)

Drosophilidae; family Drosophilidae (fruit flies)

family Hippoboscidae; Hippoboscidae (winged or wingless dipterans: louse flies)

Culicidae; family Culicidae (mosquitoes)

Ceratopogonidae; family Ceratopogonidae (biting midges; sand flies)

Chironomidae; family Chironomidae (midges)

family Mycetophylidae; Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats)

family Psychodidae; Psychodidae (very small two-winged flies with hairy wings that develop in moss and damp vegetable matter: sand flies)

family Sciaridae; Sciaridae (fungus gnats)

family Tipulidae; Tipulidae (crane flies)

family Simuliidae; Simuliidae (blackflies and sand flies)

Apoidea; superfamily Apoidea (bees)

Apidae; family Apidae (honeybees; carpenter bees; bumblebees)

Andrenidae; family Andrenidae (a large family of solitary short-tongued bees most of which burrow in the ground)

family Halictidae; Halictidae (a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture)

family Megachilidae; Megachilidae (leaf-cutting and mason bees)

family Vespidae; Vespidae (an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps)

Sphecoidea; superfamily Sphecoidea (families Sphecidae and Stizidae)

family Sphecidae; Sphecidae (mud daubers; some digger wasps)

family Stizidae; Stizidae (cicada killers)

Cynipidae; family Cynipidae (a family of Hymenoptera)

Chalcidae; Chalcididae; family Chalcidae; family Chalcididae (an arthropod family including: chalcidflies)

family Ichneumonidae; Ichneumonidae (ichneumon flies)

family Tenthredinidae; Tenthredinidae (sawflies)

family Formicidae; Formicidae (ants)

Dorylinae; subfamily Dorylinae (army ants)

family Termitidae; Termitidae (termites)

family Rhinotermitidae; Rhinotermitidae (large widely distributed family of termites of temperate to tropical regions)

family Mastotermitidae; Mastotermitidae (primitive termites)

family Kalotermitidae; Kalotermitidae (primitive termites of warm regions)

Acrididae; family Acrididae; family Locustidae; Locustidae (short-horned grasshoppers; true locusts)

family Tettigoniidae; Tettigoniidae (long-horned grasshoppers; katydids)

family Stenopelmatidae; Stenopelmatidae (long-horned grasshoppers)

family Gryllidae; Gryllidae (crickets)

family Phasmatidae; family Phasmidae; Phasmatidae; Phasmidae (stick insects)

family Phillidae; family Phyllidae; Phillidae; Phyllidae (leaf insects)

Blattidae; family Blattidae (domestic cockroaches)

Cryptocercidae; family Cryptocercidae (a family of Blattodea)

family Manteidae; family Mantidae; Manteidae; Mantidae (mantises)

Capsidae; family Capsidae; family Miridae; Miridae (leaf bugs)

family Tingidae; Tingidae (lace bugs)

family Lygaeidae; Lygaeidae (lygaeid bugs)

Coreidae; family Coreidae (squash bugs and leaf-footed bugs)

Cimicidae; family Cimicidae (wingless flat-bodied bloodsucking insects)

family Notonectidae; Notonectidae (aquatic carnivorous insects)

Belostomatidae; family Belostomatidae (water bugs)

family Nepidae; Nepidae (water scorpions)

Corixidae; family Corixidae (water bugs)

family Gerridae; family Gerrididae; Gerridae; Gerrididae (an arthropod family that includes water striders)

family Reduviidae; Reduviidae (assassin bugs)

family Pyrrhocoridae; Pyrrhocoridae (firebugs)

Aleyrodidae; family Aleyrodidae (whiteflies)

Coccoidea; superfamily Coccoidea (scale insects and mealybugs)

Coccidae; family Coccidae (scale insects)

Diaspididae; family Diaspididae (armored scales)

Dactylopiidae; family Dactylopiidae (cochineal insects)

family Pseudococcidae; Pseudococcidae (scalelike insects: mealybugs)

Aphidoidea; superfamily Aphidoidea (plant lice)

Aphididae; family Aphididae (small soft-bodied plant lice)

Adelgidae; family Adelgidae; family Phylloxeridae; Phylloxeridae (plant lice)

Chermidae; family Chermidae; family Psyllidae; Psyllidae (jumping plant lice)

Cicadidae; family Cicadidae (cicadas)

Cercopidae; family Cercopidae (froghoppers or spittlebugs)

Cicadellidae; family Cicadellidae (leafhoppers)

family Jassidae; Jassidae (family of small leafhoppers coextensive with the Cicadellidae and not distinguished from it in some classifications)

family Membracidae; Membracidae (plant hoppers: treehoppers)

family Fulgoridae; Fulgoridae (plant hoppers: lantern flies)

family Psocidae; Psocidae (a family of small soft-bodied insects that feed on decaying vegetation; related to booklice)

Atropidae; family Atropidae (booklice)

Ephemeridae; family Ephemeridae (mayflies)

family Myrmeleontidae; Myrmeleontidae (antlions)

Chrysopidae; family Chrysopidae (green lacewings)

family Hemerobiidae; Hemerobiidae (brown lacewings)

Corydalidae; family Corydalidae (dobsons)

family Sialidae; Sialidae (an arthropod family including: alderflies)

family Raphidiidae; Raphidiidae (a family of arthropods of the suborder Megaloptera, including snakeflies)

family Mantispidae; Mantispidae (mantispids)

family Sisyridae; Sisyridae (an arthropod family of the order Neuroptera that includes spongeflies)

family Lepismatidae; Lepismatidae (firebrats)

family Machilidae; Machilidae (jumping bristletails)

family Thripidae; Thripidae (thrips)

family Forficulidae; Forficulidae (typical earwigs)

family Nymphalidae; Nymphalidae (large beautifully colored butterflies)

family Satyridae; Satyridae (a widely distributed family of butterflies common near the edges of woods)

Danaidae; family Danaidae (small family of usually tropical butterflies: monarch butterflies)

family Pieridae; Pieridae (arthropod family including cabbage butterflies; sulphur butterflies)

family Lycaenidae; Lycaenidae (family of small usually brilliantly colored butterflies; males have short forelegs)

family Tortricidae; Tortricidae (leaf rollers and codling moths)

family Lymantriidae; Lymantriidae (tussock moths)

family Geometridae; Geometridae (measuring worms)

family Pyralidae; family Pyralididae; Pyralidae; Pyralididae (bee moths; corn borers; flour moths)

superfamily Tineoidea; Tineoidea (clothes moths; carpet moths; leaf miners)

family Tineidae; Tineidae (clothes moths)

family Gracilariidae; Gracilariidae; Gracillariidae (leaf miners)

family Gelechiidae; Gelechiidae (important economic pests)

family Noctuidae; Noctuidae (cutworms; armyworms)

family Sphingidae; Sphingidae (hawkmoths)

Bombycidae; family Bombycidae (Chinese silkworm moth)

family Saturniidae; Saturniidae (important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known)

Arctiidae; family Arctiidae (tiger moths)

family Lasiocampidae; Lasiocampidae (tent caterpillars; eggars; lappet moths)

Holonyms ("arthropod family" is a member of...):

animal kingdom; Animalia; kingdom Animalia (taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals)



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