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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Reproduction without the fusion of gametesplay


agamogenesis; asexual reproduction

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural processes

Hypernyms ("asexual reproduction" is a kind of...):

reproduction (the process of generating offspring)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "asexual reproduction"):

apomixis (any of several kinds of reproduction without fertilization)

blastogenesis (asexual reproduction by budding)

budding (reproduction of some unicellular organisms (such as yeasts) by growth and specialization followed by the separation by constriction of a part of the parent)

fission (reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts)

fissiparity (reproduction of some multicellular organisms by division, as in the case of some starfish)

monogenesis; sporulation (asexual reproduction by the production and release of spores)

parthenogenesis; parthenogeny; virgin birth (human conception without fertilization by a man)

gemmation; pullulation (asexual reproduction in which a local growth on the surface or in the body of the parent becomes a separate individual)



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