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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


An association of nations dedicated to economic and political cooperation in southeastern Asia and who joined with the United States to fight against global terrorismplay


ASEAN; Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Classified under:

Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects

Hypernyms ("Association of Southeast Asian Nations" is a kind of...):

association (a formal organization of people or groups of people)

Meronyms (members of "Association of Southeast Asian Nations"):

Burma; Myanmar; Union of Burma (a mountainous republic in southeastern Asia on the Bay of Bengal)

Cambodia; Kampuchea; Kingdom of Cambodia (a nation in southeastern Asia; was part of Indochina under French rule until 1946)

Brunei; Negara Brunei Darussalam (a sultanate in northwestern Borneo; became independent of Great Britain in 1984)

Dutch East Indies; Indonesia; Republic of Indonesia (a republic in southeastern Asia on an archipelago including more than 13,000 islands; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1945; the principal oil producer in the Far East and Pacific regions)

Lao People's Democratic Republic; Laos (a mountainous landlocked communist state in southeastern Asia; achieved independence from France in 1949)

Federation of Malaysia; Malaysia (a constitutional monarchy in southeastern Asia on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1957)

Philippines; Republic of the Philippines (a republic on the Philippine Islands; achieved independence from the United States in 1946)

Republic of Singapore; Singapore (a country in southeastern Asia on the island of Singapore; achieved independence from Malaysia in 1965)

Kingdom of Thailand; Siam; Thailand (a country of southeastern Asia that extends southward along the Isthmus of Kra to the Malay Peninsula)

Annam; Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Viet Nam; Vietnam (a communist state in Indochina on the South China Sea; achieved independence from France in 1945)



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