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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Receptors postulated to exist on nerve cell membranes of the sympathetic nervous system in order to explain the specificity of certain agents that affect only some sympathetic activities (such as vasodilation and increased heart beat)play


beta-adrenergic receptor; beta-adrenoceptor; beta receptor

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("beta receptor" is a kind of...):

receptor (a cellular structure that is postulated to exist in order to mediate between a chemical agent that acts on nervous tissue and the physiological response)

Holonyms ("beta receptor" is a part of...):

sympathetic nervous system (originates in the thoracic regions of the spinal cord; opposes physiological effects of the parasympathetic: reduces digestive secretions; speeds the heart; contracts blood vessels)


 Context examples: 

Latent TGF beta binding protein 2 (1821 aa, 195 kD) is a cell communication protein that is encoded by the human LTBP2 gene and has roles in the transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway, protein secretion and protein targeting.

(Latent TGF Beta Binding Protein 2, NCI Thesaurus)


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