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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteriaplay


a biodegradable detergent

Classified under:



perishable (liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay)


 Context examples: 

Using a biodegradable MOF for siRNA delivery is important to avoid unwanted build-up of the structures once they’ve done their job.

(Nanoparticles used to transport anti-cancer agent to cells, University of Cambridge)

A paclitaxel formulation containing paclitaxel incorporated in biodegradable polyphosphoester (PPE) polymer form with potential antineoplastic activity.

(Paclitaxel PPE Microspheres, NCI Thesaurus)

Researchers used corn starch, an abundant, cheap and biodegradable raw material, to develop microcapsules as a container to release thyme essential oil into the water.

(Thyme oil and corn starch prove deadly for mosquito larvae, SciDev.Net)

A team of scientists in Brazil has developed a biodegradable plastic that could be used for food packaging or carrier bags, by applying ozone gas to cassava starch.

(Scientists develop biodegradable plastic from cassava starch, SciDev.Net)

A controlled-release, intratumoral paclitaxel formulation in which paclitaxel is incorporated into a thermosensitive, biodegradable triblock copolymer consisting of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG).

(PGLA/PEG Copolymer-Based Paclitaxel, NCI Thesaurus)

A plasmid DNA-based vaccine consisting of small biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glicolide) polymer microparticles encapsulating plasmid-DNA vector encoding a chimeric protein comprising epitopes derived from the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of the human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18, with potential antineoplastic activity.

(Amolimogene Bepiplasmid, NCI Thesaurus)

In an investigation of 19 sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, scientists discovered that heavily deforested areas leach organic carbon that is significantly older and more biodegradable than the organic carbon leached from densely forested regions.

(Tropical soil disturbance could be hidden source of carbon dioxide, National Science Foundation)

The thermosensitive triblock copolymer component of this formulation transforms from a water-soluble polymer at room temperature to a water-insoluble, biodegradable gel depot at body temperature; intratumoral controlled-release of paclitaxel from the gel minimizes systemic exposure to paclitaxel and the paclitaxel toxicity profile.

(PGLA/PEG Copolymer-Based Paclitaxel, NCI Thesaurus)

By using corn starch along with the essential oil of the thyme plant, researchers from Brazil and the United States have managed to develop a low-cost, biodegradable larvicide system that can kill the larvae of the yellow fever mosquito.

(Thyme oil and corn starch prove deadly for mosquito larvae, SciDev.Net)

Carla Ivonne La Fuente Arias, a chemistry engineer at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, told SciDev.Net: Our tests indicate that this new technique is able to generate a biodegradable plastic as strong as traditional ones made of petroleum.

(Scientists develop biodegradable plastic from cassava starch, SciDev.Net)


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