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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Of or relating to calories in foodplay


the caloric content of foods

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


nutritionist's calorie (a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food)


Calorie (a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food)

Sense 2


Relating to or associated with heatplay


the caloric effect of sunlight


caloric; thermal; thermic

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


heat (a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature)


calorie (unit of heat defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade at atmospheric pressure)


 Context examples: 

Caloric restriction not only increases lifespan, but decreases age-related deterioration of systems and physiological responses, reducing age related diseases like cancer and neurodegenerative disease.

(Longevity Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

They calculated how the price of a calorie of a given food compares with that of a representative basket of starchy staple food in each country — a measure called relative caloric price.

(High cost of healthy food to blame for malnutrition, SciDev.Net)

Moderately reducing caloric intake over a period of two years significantly improved cardiometabolic risk factors in young and middle-aged, non-obese adults, according to new findings from the Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE).

(Moderate calorie restriction in young and middle-aged adults significantly reduces heart and metabolic risk factors independent of weight loss, National Institutes of Health)

Although caloric restriction has not been demonstrated experimentally to increase human lifespan, short-term changes in physiological measures like insulin responsiveness have been observed.

(Longevity Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

With the help of other datasets and demographic health surveys conducted in several countries, the researchers linked the relative caloric price values to consumption of food groups among children up to five years old and women aged between 15 and 49 years old, and evidence of nutrition outcomes such as undernutrition and obesity.

(High cost of healthy food to blame for malnutrition, SciDev.Net)

The link between caloric restriction and IGF signaling may be the increased expression of stress resistance proteins.

(Longevity Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

All of these appear to converge on an IGF-1 receptor pathway and to reproduce many of the effects of caloric restriction.

(Longevity Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

Caloric restriction in animals reduces the levels of plasma glucose and insulin and reduces inflammatory responses and may reduce oxidative stress through reduced oxidative metabolism, further contributing to the health benefits of reduced calorie intake.

(Longevity Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)


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