A new language, a new life
/ Learning English

Banking English: Traveler's checks


Cashier:    — May I help you, sir?
Daniel Adams:    — Yes. Can I get these travelerĀ“s checks cashed?
Cashier:    — Certainly. May I see your passport?
Daniel Adams:    — There you go.
Cashier:    — Just sign each check at the bottom, please.
Daniel Adams:    — Sure.
Cashier:    — How would you like it?
Daniel Adams:    — Give me eighty dollars in twenty-dollar bills, and the rest in ones, please.
Cashier:    — Here you are.

Role-play exercise

Cashier:    — May I help you, sir?
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Certainly. May I see your passport?
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Just sign each check at the bottom, please.
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — How would you like it?
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Here you are.


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