A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The act of causing something to happenplay


causation; causing

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("causation" is a kind of...):

act; deed; human action; human activity (something that people do or cause to happen)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "causation"):

sending (the act of causing something to go (especially messages))

induction; initiation; trigger (an act that sets in motion some course of events)

coercion; compulsion (using force to cause something to occur)

influence (causing something without any direct or apparent effort)

inducement; inducing (act of bringing about a desired result)


cause (cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner)

cause (give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally)


 Context examples: 

Role of vitamins other than A,B,C, or E, their precursons, and their analogs in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Vitamins, Other, NCI Thesaurus)

Role of Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), its precursons, and its analogs in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Vitamin E, NCI Thesaurus)

Role of Vitamin C, its precursons, and its analogs in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Vitamin C, NCI Thesaurus)

Senior author Dr. Tae-Jin Song of Ewha Womans University in Seoul noted that the findings don’t prove causation, but the analysis is strong.

(Frequently brushing teeth may help prevent heart attacks, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Role of unsaturated fats in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Fats, Unsaturated, NCI Thesaurus)

Role of alcoholic beverages in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Alcohol, NCI Thesaurus)

Role of saturated fats in cancer causation or prevention and in general health.

(Nutrition, Fats, Saturated, NCI Thesaurus)

The origin or causation of a disease of the nervous system.

(Neuropathogenesis, NCI Thesaurus)

The causation (or induction), development, and progression of a leukaemic disease.

(Leukemogenesis, NCI Thesaurus)

Because of their importance in cancer causation, worldwide efforts to successfully target mutant RAS genes are being pursued.

(Cellular immunotherapy targets a common human cancer mutation, NIH)


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