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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumesplay


civet; civet cat

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("civet" is a kind of...):

viverrine; viverrine mammal (small cat-like predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "civet"):

large civet; Viverra zibetha (common civet of India and southeast Asia)

small civet; Viverricula indica; Viverricula malaccensis (a common civet of southeast Asia)

Arctictis bintourong; bearcat; binturong (arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair)

Cryptoprocta; genus Cryptoprocta (large primitive cat-like carnivores inhabiting forests of Madagascar)

fanaloka; Fossa fossa (civet of Madagascar)

banded palm civet; Hemigalus hardwickii (an East Indian civet)

palm cat; palm civet (spotted or striped arboreal civet of southeast Asia and East Indies)

Holonyms ("civet" is a member of...):

family Viverridae; family Viverrinae; Viverridae; Viverrinae (genets; civets; mongooses)



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