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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Located on or near or bordering on a coastplay


the Atlantic coastal plain

Classified under:



coastwise (along or following a coast)

inshore (close to a shore)

maritime (bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea)

seaward (directed or situated away from inland regions and toward the sea or coast)


inland (situated away from an area's coast or border)


coast (the shore of a sea or ocean)

Sense 2


Of or relating to a coastplay


coastal erosion

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


coast (the shore of a sea or ocean)


coast (the shore of a sea or ocean)


 Context examples: 

Researchers studied the resilience of four species of coastal birds, including the endangered saltmarsh sparrow.

(Coastal birds can weather the storm, but not the sea, National Science Foundation)

"Understanding how marshes might become more resilient has major implications for understanding coastal response to sea level rise."

(High carbon dioxide can create 'shrinking stems' in marshes, National Science Foundation)

Regions in coastal France received as much as six inches of rainfall.

(France's Flooding Rains Examined by NASA’s IMERG, NASA)

For instance, the Springtime Amanita (Amanita velosa) is a highly desirable edible wild mushroom in the Pacific coastal United States.

(New Test Identifies Poisonous Mushrooms, Agricultural Research Service)

By understanding the factors that contribute to alligators' meanderings, environmental managers can gain a better understanding of alligators' place in coastal ecosystems.

(Alligators, rulers of the swamps, link marine and freshwater ecosystems, NSF)

Release of that land-ice, it was thought, could contribute more than 6 feet of sea level rise by the end of the century — enough to completely flood Boston and other coastal cities.

(Antarctic ice cliffs may not contribute to ice-sheet instability as much as predicted, National Science Foundation)

The team gathered and analyzed around-the-clock measurements of the depth, salinity, and temperature of channel waters and their intersection with the coastal edge of Greenland's ice sheet.

(The Hidden Meltdown of Greenland, NASA)

The measured size this year is larger than the 5,052 square miles measured last year, indicating that nutrients from the Mississippi River watershed are continuing to affect the nation’s coastal resources and habitats in the Gulf.

(2015 Gulf of Mexico dead zone ‘above average’, NOAA)

At least 70 homes and a school were destroyed in the small coastal town of Tathra in New South Wales, authorities said, where people fled to the beach to avoid the flames and flying embers carried the fire front forward quickly.

(Australian Wildfires Destroy Homes, Kill Cattle as Hundreds of People Flee, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

A new study led by scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, and Northeastern University indicates that a common pollutant of coastal waters, nitrate, stimulates the release of CO2, possibly altering the capacity of salt marshes to hold carbon over time.

(Salt marshes' capacity to store carbon may be threatened by nitrogen pollution, National Science Foundation)


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