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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adverb) 

Sense 1


Lacking warmth of feeling; in a cold, unemotional mannerplay


he addressed her coldly

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cold (extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion)


 Context examples: 

The compliment was just returned, coldly and proudly; and, under indescribable irritation of spirits, she was then conveyed to Hartfield.

(Emma, by Jane Austen)

“I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours,” he coldly replied.

(Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)

"But if I were to go to them, and they only looked at me coldly, and whispered sneeringly amongst each other, and then dropped off and left me one by one, what then? Would you go with them?"

(Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë)

As soon as breakfast was over, she sat down to fulfil her promise to Miss Tilney, whose trust in the effect of time and distance on her friend's disposition was already justified, for already did Catherine reproach herself with having parted from Eleanor coldly, with having never enough valued her merits or kindness, and never enough commiserated her for what she had been yesterday left to endure.

(Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen)

With the aurora borealis flaming coldly overhead, or the stars leaping in the frost dance, and the land numb and frozen under its pall of snow, this song of the huskies might have been the defiance of life, only it was pitched in minor key, with long-drawn wailings and half-sobs, and was more the pleading of life, the articulate travail of existence.

(The Call of the Wild, by Jack London)

“Enough of this,” said my friend, coldly.

(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Your talk, sire, said the prince still more coldly, is not such as I love to hear from your lips.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

My uncle bowed coldly, and made no answer.

(Rodney Stone, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

“From what I have seen of the lady, she seems, indeed, to be on a very different level to your Majesty,” said Holmes coldly.

(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

Day after day, week after week, month after month, I was coldly neglected.

(David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens)


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