A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or driedplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting foods and drinks

Hypernyms ("common bean" is a kind of...):

bean; edible bean (any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "common bean"):

kidney bean (large dark red bean; usually dried)

navy bean; pea bean; white bean (white-seeded bean; usually dried)

pinto bean (mottled or spotted bean of southwestern United States; usually dried)

frijole (Mexican bean; usually dried)

black bean; turtle bean (black-seeded bean of South America; usually dried)

fresh bean (beans eaten before they are ripe as opposed to dried)

flageolet; haricot (a French bean variety with light-colored seeds; usually dried)

Holonyms ("common bean" is a part of...):

common bean; common bean plant; Phaseolus vulgaris (the common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods)

Sense 2


The common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or podsplay


common bean; common bean plant; Phaseolus vulgaris

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("common bean" is a kind of...):

bush bean (a bean plant whose bushy growth needs no supports)

Meronyms (parts of "common bean"):

common bean (any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "common bean"):

frijol; frijole; kidney bean (the common bean plant grown for the beans rather than the pods (especially a variety with large red kidney-shaped beans))

green bean (a common bean plant cultivated for its slender green edible pods)

wax bean (a common bean plant grown for its edible golden pod)

Holonyms ("common bean" is a member of...):

genus Phaseolus; Phaseolus (herbs of warm regions including most American beans)



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