A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A person who communicates with othersplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting people

Hypernyms ("communicator" is a kind of...):

individual; mortal; person; somebody; someone; soul (a human being)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "communicator"):

propagandist (a person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government)

disseminator; propagator (someone who spreads the news)

publiciser; publicist; publicizer (someone who publicizes)

quoter (a communicator (speaker or writer) who uses quotations)

rambler (a person whose speech or writing is not well organized)

newsman; newsperson; reporter (a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories)

answerer; respondent; responder (someone who responds)

bawler; bellower; roarer; screamer; screecher; shouter; yeller (someone who communicates vocally in a very loud voice)

sender; transmitter (someone who transmits a message)

signaler; signaller (someone who communicates by signals)

signer (someone who can use sign language to communicate)

swearer (someone who takes a solemn oath)

comforter; sympathiser; sympathizer (a person who commiserates with someone who has had misfortune)

mental telepathist; mind reader; telepathist; thought-reader (someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly)

twaddler (someone who twaddles; someone who writes or talks twaddle)

waffler (someone who speaks or writes in a vague and evasive manner)

warner (someone who gives a warning to others)

waver (someone who communicates by waving)

wirer (someone who sends a telegram)

author; writer (writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay))

alarmist (a person who alarms others needlessly)

allegoriser; allegorizer (someone who communicates in allegories)

announcer (someone who proclaims a message publicly)

articulator (someone who pronounces words)

affirmer; asserter; asseverator; avower; declarer (someone who claims to speak the truth)

avower (someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly)

broadcaster (someone who broadcasts on radio or television)

conferee (a member of a conference)

conferrer (someone who converses or confers (as in a conference))

confessor (someone who confesses (discloses information damaging to themselves))

correspondent; letter writer (someone who communicates by means of letters)

gossip; gossiper; gossipmonger; newsmonger; rumormonger; rumourmonger (a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others)

hisser (someone who communicates disapproval by hissing)

informant; source (a person who supplies information)

extoller; laudator; lauder (someone who communicates high praise)

negotiant; negotiator; treater (someone who negotiates (confers with others in order to reach a settlement))

inducer; persuader (someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on)

populariser; popularizer; vulgariser; vulgarizer (someone who makes something attractive to the general public)

presenter (someone who presents a message of some sort (as a petition or an address or a check or a memorial etc.))

promisee (a person to whom a promise is made)

promiser; promisor (a person who makes a promise)


communicate (transmit thoughts or feelings)

communicate (transmit information)

communicate (be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas)



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