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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A tree of shrub of the genus Cornus often having showy bracts resembling flowersplay


cornel; dogwood; dogwood tree

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("cornel" is a kind of...):

angiospermous tree; flowering tree (any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary)

Meronyms (substance of "cornel"):

dogwood (hard tough wood of any dogwood of the genus Cornus; resembles boxwood)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "cornel"):

common white dogwood; Cornus florida; eastern flowering dogwood (deciduous tree; celebrated for its large white or pink bracts and stunning autumn color that is followed by red berries)

American dogwood; Cornus stolonifera; red dogwood; red osier; red osier dogwood; redbrush (common North American shrub with reddish purple twigs and white flowers)

Cornus obliqua; silky dogwood (shrub of eastern North America closely resembling silky cornel)

Cornus amomum; silky cornel; silky dogwood (shrub of eastern North America having purplish stems and blue fruit)

blood-twig; common European dogwood; Cornus sanguinea; pedwood; red dogwood (European deciduous shrub turning red in autumn having dull white flowers)

bunchberry; Cornus canadensis; crackerberry; dwarf cornel; pudding berry (creeping perennial herb distinguished by red berries and clustered leaf whorls at the tips of shoots; Greenland to Alaska)

cornelian cherry; Cornus mas (deciduous European shrub or small tree having bright red fruit)

Holonyms ("cornel" is a member of...):

Cornus; genus Cornus (a rosid dicot genus of the family Cornaceae including: dogwood; cornel: perennial chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of temperate regions of northern hemisphere)



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