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/ Learning English

Banking English. Traveler's Checks


Cashier:    — Good morning.
Paul Ryefield:    — Good morning. I´d like to change these travellers cheques please.
Cashier:    — Certainly sir... Could I have your passport please?
Paul Ryefield:    — Here you are.
Cashier:    — Thank you. Will you please sign each cheque on the dotted line? ... Thank you. And please write the name of the city and the date on both checks. ... All right.
Paul Ryefield:    — Could I have new notes?
Cashier:    — Yes sir. Two hundred dollars. Here you are. Have a nice day.

Role-Play Exercise

Cashier:    — Good morning.
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Certainly sir... Could I have your passport please?
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Thank you. Will you please sign each cheque on the dotted line? ... Thank you. And please write the name of the city and the date on both checks. ... All right.
You:    — ...
Cashier:    — Yes sir. Two hundred dollars. Here you are. Have a nice day.


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