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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Cut of meat from beef cattleplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting foods and drinks

Hypernyms ("cut of beef" is a kind of...):

cut; cut of meat (a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "cut of beef"):

chuck (the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade)

chuck short ribs (between the chuck and the brisket)

plate (the thin under portion of the forequarter)

flank (a cut from the fleshy part of an animal's side between the ribs and the leg)

beef loin (cut of meat from a loin of beef)

wedge bone (part of the sirloin nearest the rump)

flat bone (part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone)

pin bone (part of the sirloin between the flat bone and the porterhouse)

sirloin tip (a cut of beef from the upper end of the sirloin)

blade (a cut of beef from the shoulder blade)

beef neck (a cut of beef from the neck of the animal)

short ribs (cut of beef containing rib ends near the sternum)

round (a cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg)

rump (fleshy hindquarters; behind the loin and above the round)

aitchbone (a cut of beef including the H-shaped rump bone)

Holonyms ("cut of beef" is a part of...):

beef; boeuf (meat from an adult domestic bovine)



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