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/ English Dictionary


 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


T cell with CD8 receptor that recognizes antigens on the surface of a virus-infected cell and binds to the infected cell and kill itplay


CD8 cell; CD8 T cell; cytotoxic T cell; killer cell; killer T cell

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("cytotoxic T cell" is a kind of...):

T cell; T lymphocyte (a small lymphocyte developed in the thymus; it orchestrates the immune system's response to infected or malignant cells)


 Context examples: 

Administration of this agent may induce a cytotoxic T cell response against PSA-expressing tumor cells.

(Fowlpox-PSA-TRICOM Vaccine, NCI Thesaurus)

Upon administration, expressed gp100 antigen may stimulate a cytotoxic T cell HLA-A2.1-restricted immune response against tumor cells that express the gp100 antigen, resulting in tumor cell lysis.

(Mouse gp100 Plasmid DNA Vaccine, NCI Thesaurus)

A cytotoxic T cell is a type of white blood cell and a type of lymphocyte.

(cytotoxic T cell, NCI Dictionary)

Upon administration, this vaccine may stimulate a cytotoxic T cell response against tumor cells, resulting in tumor cell lysis.

(Autologous EBV-Transformed B Lymphoblastoid-Tumor Fusion Cell Vaccine, NCI Thesaurus)

Vaccination with autologous dendritic cell-autologous tumor mRNA-human CD40L vaccine may elicit a cytotoxic T cell response against tumor cells from which the autologous tumor mRNA was derived.

(Autologous Dendritic Cell-Autologous Tumor mRNA-Human CD40L Vaccine, NCI Thesaurus)

Agatolimod selectively targets Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), thereby activating dendritic and B cells and stimulating cytotoxic T cell and antibody responses against tumor cells bearing tumor antigens.

(Agatolimod Sodium, NCI Thesaurus)

Fc-mediated binding of APCs in the tricellular complex potentiates EpCAM antigen presentation to T cells and the activation of anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell functions.

(Catumaxomab, NCI Thesaurus)

Apoptosis, programmed cell death, is triggered by a variety of stimuli, including cell surface receptors like FAS, mitochondrial response to stress, and cytotoxic T cells.

(Caspase Cascade Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)

This gene is involved in the mediation of cytotoxic T cells and class I major histocompatibility interactions.

(CD8B Gene, NCI Thesaurus)

Helper T cells help activate cytotoxic T cells and macrophages by secreting cytokines.

(CD4-Positive T-Lymphocyte, NCI Dictionary)


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