A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The act of delivering a childplay


delivery; obstetrical delivery

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

act; deed; human action; human activity (something that people do or cause to happen)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

breech birth; breech delivery; breech presentation (delivery of an infant whose feet or buttocks appear first)

abdominal delivery; C-section; caesarean; caesarean delivery; caesarean section; caesarian; caesarian delivery; caesarian section; cesarean; cesarean delivery; cesarean section; cesarian; cesarian section (the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way))

forceps delivery (delivery in which forceps are inserted through the vagina and used to grasp the head of the fetus and pull it through the birth canal; since the forceps can injure the fetus this procedure has generally given way to cesarean deliveries)

midwifery (assisting women at childbirth)

Holonyms ("delivery" is a part of...):

accouchement; childbearing; childbirth; vaginal birth (the parturition process in human beings; having a baby; the process of giving birth to a child)


deliver (cause to be born)

Sense 2


Recovery or preservation from loss or dangerplay


a surgeon's job is the saving of lives


deliverance; delivery; rescue; saving

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

recovery; retrieval (the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost))

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

search and rescue mission (a rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them)

salvation (saving someone or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation)

salvage (the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction)

salvage (the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire)

reclamation; reformation (rescuing from error and returning to a rightful course)

redemption; salvation ((theology) the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil)

lifesaving (saving the lives of drowning persons)


deliver (free from harm or evil)

Sense 3


(baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batterplay


delivery; pitch

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

throw (the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist))

Domain category:

ball; baseball; baseball game (a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

wild pitch (an errant pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that allows a base runner to advance a base)

submarine ball; submarine pitch (a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead)

strike ((baseball) a pitch that the batter swings at and misses, or that the batter hits into foul territory, or that the batter does not swing at but the umpire judges to be in the area over home plate and between the batter's knees and shoulders)

spitball; spitter (an illegal pitch in which a foreign substance (spit or Vaseline) is applied to the ball by the pitcher before he throws it)

sinker (a pitch that curves downward rapidly as it approaches the plate)

screwball (a pitch with reverse spin that curves toward the side of the plate from which it was thrown)

passed ball (a pitch that the catcher should have caught but did not; allows a base runner to advance a base)

overhand pitch (a baseball pitch in which the hand moves above the shoulder)

knuckleball; knuckler (a baseball pitch thrown with little speed or spin)

bullet; fastball; heater; hummer; smoke ((baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity)

duster (a pitch thrown deliberately close to the batter)

bender; breaking ball; curve; curve ball (a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter)

change-of-pace; change-of-pace ball; change-up; off-speed pitch (a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball)

beanball; beaner (a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head)

ball (a pitch that is not in the strike zone)

balk (an illegal pitching motion while runners are on base)

Sense 4


The act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)play


his reluctant delivery of bad news


bringing; delivery

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

conveyance; transfer; transferral; transport; transportation (the act of moving something from one location to another)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

service; service of process; serving (the act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone)

post (the delivery and collection of letters and packages)

handing over; passage (the act of passing something to another person)

consignment (the delivery of goods for sale or disposal)

airdrop (delivery of supplies or equipment or personnel by dropping them by parachute from an aircraft)


deliver (bring to a destination, make a delivery)

Sense 5


The voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to anotherplay


delivery; legal transfer; livery

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

conveyance; conveyance of title; conveyancing; conveying (act of transferring property title from one person to another)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

surrender (the delivery of a principal into lawful custody)

bailment (the delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee)


deliver (to surrender someone or something to another)

Sense 6


Your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orallyplay


I detected a slight accent in his speech


delivery; manner of speaking; speech

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

expressive style; style (a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "delivery"):

address (the manner of speaking to another individual)

catch (a break or check in the voice (usually a sign of strong emotion))

tongue (a manner of speaking)

shibboleth (a manner of speaking that is distinctive of a particular group of people)

tone; tone of voice (the quality of a person's voice)

elocution (an expert manner of speaking involving control of voice and gesture)

inflection; prosody (the patterns of stress and intonation in a language)

inflection; modulation (a manner of speaking in which the loudness or pitch or tone of the voice is modified)

Holonyms ("delivery" is a part of...):

paralanguage; paralinguistic communication (the use of manner of speaking to communicate particular meanings)


deliver (deliver (a speech, oration, or idea))

Sense 7


The event of giving birthplay


she had a difficult delivery

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural events

Hypernyms ("delivery" is a kind of...):

birth; nascence; nascency; nativity (the event of being born)


 Context examples: 

The findings could help many who have a condition called cardiac ischemia, which restricts blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to the heart muscles.

(Oxygen-Producing Bacteria Could Help Heart Attack Sufferers, VOA News)

The condition results in high blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of early labor and a larger than average baby, which may result in problems during delivery.

(Healthy diet may reduce high blood pressure risk after gestational diabetes, NIH)

Overall, exposure to extreme heat for the duration of pregnancy was associated with increases in risk for delivery at 34 weeks and 36-38 weeks by 6 to 21 percent.

(Extreme temperatures could increase preterm birth risk, NIH)

The study found that wave turbulence enhances algae growth, likely because the motion of the water promotes the delivery of nutrients.

(Galapagos sea life study highlights importance of biodiversity in the face of climate change, National Science Foundation)

An abnormality in the position of the fetus during the labor and delivery process.

(Abnormal Fetal Attitude, NCI Thesaurus)

No; as soon as she recovered from her lying-in, for I found her near her delivery, I removed her and her child into the country, and there she remains.

(Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen)

The period of time preceding labor and delivery.

(Antepartum, NCI Thesaurus)

Furthermore, decreased myocardial contractility and dilation of the main coronary and systemic arteries lead to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the myocardial tissue and decreases total peripheral resistance.

(Amlodipine Maleate, NCI Thesaurus)

A key goal of the Cancer Research Network project is identifying the patient, treatment and delivery system factors that may make a difference in health outcomes for cancer.

(Cancer Research Network, NCI Thesaurus)

The monitoring of both maternal uterine contractions and fetal heart rate during the process of labor and delivery.

(Cardiotocography, NCI Thesaurus)


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