A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The deep vascular inner layer of the skinplay


corium; derma; dermis

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("dermis" is a kind of...):

stratum (one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock))

Holonyms ("dermis" is a part of...):

cutis; skin; tegument (a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch)


dermal; dermic (of or relating to or located in the dermis)


 Context examples: 

The skin layer that separates the papillary dermis from the reticular dermis.

(Papillary-reticular dermal interface, NCI Thesaurus)

Morphologically, it is characterized by the presence of aggregates of basaloid cells infiltrating the dermis.

(Pilomatrical Carcinoma, NCI Thesaurus)

It is characterized by the presence of eccrine ducts in the dermis containing intraluminal papillary projections.

(Papillary Eccrine Adenoma, NCI Thesaurus)

The thin top layer of the dermis (the inner layer of the skin).

(Papillary dermis, NCI Dictionary)

The upper portion of the dermis beneath the epidermis.

(Papillary dermis, NCI Thesaurus)

Melanocytes are present in excess at the dermal/epidermal junction and within the dermis.

(Compound Melanocytic Hyperplasia of Mouse, NCI Thesaurus/MMHCC)

A nevus composed of neoplastic melanocytes that infiltrate both the epidermis and the dermis.

(Compound nevus, NCI Thesaurus)

Melanoma that has spread from the epidermis (outer layer of skin) down into the papillary dermis (the thin top layer of the dermis).

(Clark Level II, NCI Dictionary)

Skin cancer that has spread from the epidermis (outer layer of skin) down into the papillary dermis (the thin top layer of the dermis).

(Clark level II skin cancer, NCI Dictionary)

Skin cancer that has spread down into the reticular dermis (the thick bottom layer of the dermis).

(Clark level IV skin cancer, NCI Dictionary)


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