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I. (noun)
Sense 1
Genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
dicot genus; magnoliopsid genus
Classified under:
Hypernyms ("dicot genus" is a kind of...):
genus ((biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species)
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "dicot genus"):
magnoliid dicot genus (genus of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms)
hamamelid dicot genus (genus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins)
caryophylloid dicot genus (genus of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers)
dilleniid dicot genus (genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs)
asterid dicot genus (genus of more or less advanced dicotyledonous herbs and some trees and shrubs)
rosid dicot genus (a genus of dicotyledonous plants)
genus Myrica; Myrica (deciduous aromatic shrubs or small trees)
Comptonia; genus Comptonia (one species: sweet fern)
genus Leitneria; Leitneria (one species: corkwood)
Apocynum; genus Apocynum (perennial herbs with small pink or white flowers)
Acocanthera; Acokanthera; genus Acocanthera; genus Acokanthera (small genus of trees and shrubs containing strongly toxic cardiac glycosides; Arabia to Africa)
Adenium; genus Adenium (one species: succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia)
genus Allamanda (genus of tropical American woody vines)
Alstonia; genus Alstonia (genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia)
Amsonia; genus Amsonia (genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America)
Beaumontia; genus Beaumontia (small genus of evergreen woody vines in the East Indies and Asia)
genus Carissa (Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs)
Catharanthus; genus Catharanthus (small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca)
genus Holarrhena; Holarrhena (genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of tropical Africa and Asia)
Dipladenia; genus Dipladenia; genus Mandevilla; Mandevilla (genus of tropical South American tuberous perennial woody vines with large racemose flowers and milky sap)
genus Nerium; Nerium (one species: oleander)
genus Plumeria; Plumeria; Plumiera (deciduous shrubs and trees of tropical America having branches like candelabra and fragrant white or pink flowers)
genus Rauvolfia; genus Rauwolfia (pantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small trees)
genus Strophanthus (genus of tropical Asiatic and African shrubs and woody vines and small trees)
genus Tabernaemontana; Tabernaemontana (evergreen tropical trees and shrubs with milky sap)
genus Thevetia; Thevetia (genus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowers)
genus Trachelospermum; Trachelospermum (genus of Asiatic woody vines with milky sap in leaves and stems)
genus Vinca; Vinca (periwinkles: low creeping evergreen perennials)
Aristolochia; genus Aristolochia (birthworts; Dutchman's-pipe)
Asarum; genus Asarum (wild ginger)
genus Nopalea; Nopalea (a genus of the cactus family with scarlet flowers)
genus Primula (very large and important genus of plants of temperate Europe and Asia having showy flowers)
Anagallis; genus Anagallis (chiefly Old World herbs)
Centunculus; genus Centunculus (a dicotyledonous genus of the family Primulaceae)
genus Cyclamen (genus of widely cultivated flowering Eurasian herbs with centrally depressed rounded tubers and rounded heart-shaped leaves)
genus Glaux; Glaux (sea milkwort)
genus Hottonia; Hottonia (aquatic herbs)
genus Lysimachia; Lysimachia (loosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive)
genus Samolus; Samolus (genus of herbs usually growing in salt marshes: water pimpernels)
genus Myrsine; Myrsine (evergreen trees and shrubs having aromatic foliage; Africa; Asia (New Zealand))
Ardisia; genus Ardisia (tropical evergreen subshrubs (some climbers) to trees of Asia and Australasia to Americas)
genus Plumbago (shrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions: leadwort)
Armeria; genus Armeria (shrubby or herbaceous low-growing evergreen perennials)
genus Limonium; Limonium (sea lavender)
genus Jacquinia; Jacquinia (sometimes placed in family Myrsinaceae)
Cucurbita; genus Cucurbita (type genus of the Cucurbitaceae)
genus Bryonia (climbing perennial herbs: bryony)
Citrullus; genus Citrullus (a dicot genus of the family Cucurbitaceae including watermelons)
Cucumis; genus Cucumis (cucumbers; muskmelons)
Ecballium; genus Ecballium (exploding cucumber; squirting cucumber)
genus Lagenaria; Lagenaria (bottle gourds)
genus Luffa (dishcloth gourds)
genus Momordica; Momordica (Old World tropical vine)
Goodenia (a genus of shrubs and herbs that grow in Australia and New Guinea and Malaysia and southeast Asia)
genus Lobelia (in some classifications considered the type genus of a separate family Lobeliaceae)
Bartle Frere; genus Bartle-Frere; green dinosaur (a living fossil or so-called 'green dinosaur'; genus or subfamily of primitive nut-bearing trees thought to have died out 50 million years ago; a single specimen found in 1994 on Mount Bartle Frere in eastern Australia; not yet officially named)
genus Protea (type genus of Proteaceae; tropical African shrubs)
genus Banksia (important genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or trees with alternate leathery leaves and yellowish flowers)
Conospermum; genus Conospermum (Australian shrubs (some trees) with flowers in dense spikes: smoke bush)
Embothrium; genus Embothrium (small genus of South American evergreen shrubs or small trees with long willowy branches and flowers in flamboyant terminal clusters)
genus Guevina; Guevina (one species: Chilean nut)
genus Grevillea (large genus of Australian shrubs and trees having usually showy orange or red flowers)
genus Hakea; Hakea (Australian shrubs and small trees with evergreen usually spiny leaves and dense clusters of showy flowers)
genus Knightia; Knightia (small genus of trees or shrubs of New Zealand and New Caledonia)
genus Lambertia; Lambertia (small genus of Australian shrubs)
genus Leucadendron; Leucadendron (large genus of evergreen trees and shrubs having silvery white leaves and solitary terminal flowers with conspicuous silvery bracts)
genus Lomatia (small genus of low-growing evergreens of Chile and Australia; some yield dyes)
genus Macadamia (trees or shrubs; Madagascar to Australia)
genus Orites; Orites (small genus of Australian shrubs or trees)
genus Persoonia; Persoonia (Australian undershrubs to small trees: geebungs)
genus Stenocarpus; Stenocarpus (small genus of timber trees; Australia to Malaysia)
genus Telopea; Telopea (Australian evergreen shrubs: waratahs)
genus Xylomelum; Xylomelum (small species of Australian trees or shrubs; grown for their fruit and flowers)
genus Casuarina (genus of trees and shrubs widely naturalized in southern United States and West Indies; coextensive with the family Casuarinaceae and order Casuarinales)
Clethra; genus Clethra (type and sole genus of the Clethraceae; deciduous shrubs or small trees: white alder, summer-sweet)
Centaurium; genus Centaurium (genus of low-growing herbs mostly of northern hemisphere having flowers with protruding spirally twisted anthers)
Eustoma; genus Eustoma (small genus of herbs of warm regions of southern North America to northern South America)
Exacum; genus Exacum (genus of tropical Asiatic and African plants: especially Persian violets)
Frasera; genus Frasera (genus of North American herbs: columbo; includes some species sometimes placed in genus Swertia)
Gentiana; genus Gentiana (type genus of the Gentianaceae; cosmopolitan genus of herbs nearly cosmopolitan in cool temperate regions; in some classifications includes genera Gentianopsis and Gentianella)
Gentianella; genus Gentianella (genus of herbs with flowers that resemble gentian; in some classifications included in genus Gentiana)
Gentianopsis; genus Gentianopsis (genus of fringed gentians; in some classifications included in genus Gentiana)
genus Halenia; Halenia (genus of herbs of Eurasia and the Americas: spurred gentians)
genus Sabbatia (genus of smooth slender North American herbs with showy flowers)
genus Swertia; Swertia (genus of herbs of mountains of North America and Eurasia and Africa)
genus Salvadora; Salvadora (genus of evergreen trees or shrubs; fruit is a drupe; grows in Africa through Arabia to India and China)
genus Olea; Olea (evergreen trees and shrubs having oily one-seeded fruits)
Chionanthus; genus Chionanthus (deciduous trees or shrubs: fringe tree)
genus Forestiera (genus of often spiny American shrubs and trees)
genus Forsythia (forsythia)
Fraxinus; genus Fraxinus (ash)
genus Jasminum; Jasminum (shrubs and woody climbers mostly of tropical and temperate Old World: jasmine; jessamine)
genus Ligustrum; Ligustrum (genus of Old World shrubs: privet)
genus Osmanthus; Osmanthus (widely distributed genus of evergreen shrubs or trees of southern United States and Middle East and China and Japan)
genus Phillyrea; Phillyrea (small genus of evergreen shrubs of the Mediterranean region)
genus Syringa; Syringa (genus of Old World shrubs or low trees having fragrant flowers in showy panicles: lilacs)
genus Hamamelidanthum; Hamamelidanthum (genus of fossil plants of the Oligocene having flowers resembling those of the witch hazel; found in Baltic region)
genus Hamamelidoxylon; Hamamelidoxylon (genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or similar to that of the witch hazel)
genus Hamamelites; Hamamelites (genus of fossil plants having leaves similar to those of the witch hazel)
genus Juglans; Juglans (type genus of the Juglandaceae)
Carya; genus Carya (genus of large deciduous nut-bearing trees; United States and China)
genus Pterocarya; Pterocarya (Asiatic nut trees: wing nuts)
genus Combretum (type genus of the Combretaceae: tropical and subtropical small shrubs and trees)
Conocarpus; genus Conocarpus (monotypic genus of tropical American trees: button tree)
Elaeagnus; genus Elaeagnus (oleaster)
genus Myriophyllum; Myriophyllum (chiefly monoecious and usually aquatic herbs (as the milfoils))
genus Grias; Grias (anchovy pear tree)
Bertholletia; genus Bertholletia (brazil nut)
genus Lythrum; Lythrum (loosestrife)
genus Myrtus; Myrtus (type genus of the Myrtaceae)
genus Pimenta; Pimenta (allspice tree)
Eugenia; genus Eugenia (tropical trees and shrubs with aromatic leaves and often valuable hard wood)
genus Feijoa (small South American shrubs or trees)
genus Jambos; Jambos (used in some classifications for rose apples (Eugenia jambos))
genus Myrciaria; Myrcia; Myrciaria (a genus of tropical American trees and shrubs of the myrtle family)
genus Psidium; Psidium (guavas)
genus Eucalyptus (tall trees native to the Australian region; source of timber and medicinal oils from the aromatic leaves)
genus Syzygium; Syzygium (a tropical evergreen tree of the myrtle family native to the East Indies but cultivated elsewhere)
genus Nyssa; Nyssa (tupelos: deciduous trees of moist habitats especially swamps and beside ponds)
genus Fuchsia (large genus of decorative tropical shrubs with pendulous tetramerous flowers)
genus Oenothera; Oenothera (chiefly North American herbs with usually nocturnal flowers)
genus Punica; Punica (coextensive with the family Punicaceae)
genus Rhizophora; Rhizophora (type genus of the Rhizophoraceae; a small genus of tropical trees and shrubs)
genus Daphne (usually evergreen Eurasian shrubs)
Dirca; genus Dirca (deciduous shrub of North America: leatherwood)
genus Trapa; Trapa (small genus of Eurasian aquatic perennial herbs: water chestnut)
genus Urtica; Urtica (a nettle yielding fiber resembling flax)
Boehmeria; genus Boehmeria (false nettle)
genus Helxine; genus Soleirolia; Helxine; Soleirolia (one species; a dwarf creeping mat-forming evergreen herb)
genus Laportea; Laportea (mostly tropical stinging herbs or trees: nettle)
genus Parietaria; Parietaria (small genus of stingless herbs)
genus Pilea; Pilea (low-growing tropical perennials grown for their stingless foliage)
genus Pipturus; Pipturus (an Australian genus of woody plants of the family Urticaceae)
genus Cannabis (hemp: genus of coarse annuals native to central Asia and widely naturalized in north temperate regions; in some classifications included in the family Moraceae)
genus Humulus; Humulus (hops: hardy perennial vines of Europe, North America and central and eastern Asia producing a latex sap; in some classifications included in the family Urticaceae)
genus Morus; Morus (type genus of the Moraceae: mulberries)
genus Maclura; Maclura (yellowwood trees or shrubs)
Artocarpus; genus Artocarpus (evergreen Asiatic trees now grown through the tropics: breadfruit; jackfruit)
Ficus; genus Ficus (large genus of tropical trees or shrubs or climbers including fig trees)
Broussonetia; genus Broussonetia (paper mulberry)
Cecropia; genus Cecropia (large genus of tropical American trees that yield a bast fiber used for cordage and bark used in tanning; milky juice yields caoutchouc)
genus Ulmus; Ulmus (type genus of family Ulmaceae; deciduous trees having simple serrate leaves; widely distributed in temperate regions)
Celtis; genus Celtis (large genus of trees and shrubs with berrylike fruit)
genus Planera; Planera (a deciduous tree of the family Ulmaceae that grows in the southeastern United States)
genus Trema; Trema (an evergreen tree of the family Ulmaceae that grows in tropical America and Africa and Asia)
genus Menyanthes; Menyanthes (the type genus of the Menyanthaceae; one species: bogbeans)
genus Logania; Logania (type genus of the Loganiaceae; Australian and New Zealand shrubs sometimes cultivated for their flowers)
genus Buddleia (shrubs or trees of warm regions)
Gelsemium; genus Gelsemium (evergreen twining shrubs of Americas and southeastern Asia)
genus Plantago; Plantago (type genus of the family Plantaginaceae; large cosmopolitan genus of mostly small herbs)
genus Polygonum; Polygonum (diverse genus of herbs or woody subshrubs of north temperate regions)
Fagopyrum; genus Fagopyrum (buckwheat; in some classifications included in the genus Polygonum)
genus Eriogonum (North American herbs of the buckwheat family)
genus Rheum; Rheum (rhubarb)
genus Rumex; Rumex (docks: coarse herbs and shrubs mainly native to north temperate regions)
Dodonaea; genus Dodonaea (a genus of tropical shrub or tree)
genus Sapindus; Sapindus (type genus of the Sapindaceae)
Blighia; genus Blighia (small genus of western African evergreen trees and shrubs bearing fleshy capsular three-seeded fruits edible when neither unripe nor overripe)
Cardiospermum; genus Cardiospermum (tendril-climbing herbs or shrubs whose seeds have a white heart-shaped spot)
Dimocarpus; genus Dimocarpus (longan)
genus Harpullia (genus of tropical Asiatic and African trees)
genus Litchi (Chinese trees)
genus Melicocca; genus Melicoccus; Melicocca; Melicoccus (tropical American trees and shrubs bearing berries)
genus Nephelium; Nephelium (a genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae that are native to Asia and Australia)
Buxus; genus Buxus (type genus of the Buxaceae)
genus Pachysandra (evergreen perennial procumbent subshrubs or herbs)
Celastrus; genus Celastrus (genus of woody vines and erect shrubs (type genus of the Celastraceae) that is native chiefly to Asia and Australia: includes bittersweet)
Euonymus; genus Euonymus (widely distributed chiefly evergreen shrubs or small trees or vines)
genus Cyrilla (one species: trees and shrubs having flowers with acute or twisted petals and wingless fruit)
Cliftonia; genus Cliftonia (one species: titi)
Empetrum; genus Empetrum (crowberries)
Acer; genus Acer (type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit)
Dipteronia; genus Dipteronia (small genus of large deciduous shrubs having large clusters of winged seeds that turn red as they mature; central and southern China)
genus Ilex; Ilex (a large genus of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs of the family Aquifoliaceae that have small flowers and berries (including hollies))
Anacardium; genus Anacardium (type genus of the Anacardiaceae: cashew)
Astronium; genus Astronium (a genus of dicotyledonous plants of the family Anacardiaceae)
Cotinus; genus Cotinus (smoke trees)
genus Malosma; Malosma (one species; often included in the genus Rhus)
genus Mangifera; Mangifera (tropical tree native to Asia bearing fleshy fruit)
genus Pistacia; Pistacia (a dicotyledonous genus of trees of the family Anacardiaceae having drupaceous fruit)
genus Rhodosphaera; Rhodosphaera (one species; an Australian evergreen sumac)
genus Rhus; Rhus (deciduous or evergreen shrubs and shrubby trees of temperate and subtropical North America, South Africa, eastern Asia and northeastern Australia; usually limited to nonpoisonous sumacs (see genus Toxicodendron))
genus Schinus; Schinus (genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America and Canary Islands and China)
genus Spondias; Spondias (tropical trees having one-seeded fruit)
genus Toxicodendron; Toxicodendron (in some classifications: comprising those members of the genus Rhus having foliage that is poisonous to the touch; of North America and northern South America)
Aesculus; genus Aesculus (deciduous trees or some shrubs of North America; southeastern Europe; eastern Asia)
genus Staphylea; Staphylea (a genus of small trees or shrubs of the family Staphylaceae)
Diospyros; genus Diospyros (a genus of trees or shrubs that have beautiful and valuable wood)
Achras; genus Achras (tropical trees having papery leaves and large fruit)
Bumelia; genus Bumelia (deciduous or evergreen American shrubs small trees having very hard wood and milky latex)
Calocarpum; genus Calocarpum (a genus of tropical American trees of the family Sapotaceae)
Chrysophyllum; genus Chrysophyllum (tropical American evergreen trees or shrubs)
genus Manilkara; Manilkara (genus of large evergreen trees with milky latex; pantropical)
genus Palaquium; Palaquium (large genus of Malaysian trees with milky juice and leathery leaves)
genus Payena; Payena (genus of medium to large Malaysian trees yielding gutta-percha)
genus Pouteria; Pouteria (tropical American timber tree with edible fruit (canistel))
genus Symplocus; Symplocus (type and sole genus of Symplocaceae including sweetleaf)
genus Styrax (deciduous or evergreen shrubs and small trees)
genus Halesia; Halesia (deciduous small trees or shrubs of China and eastern North America)
genus Sarracenia; Sarracenia (pitcher plants)
Darlingtonia; genus Darlingtonia (one species: California pitcher plant)
genus Heliamphora; Heliamphora (genus of pitcher plants of the Guiana Highlands in South America)
genus Nepenthes; Nepenthes (pitcher plants)
Drosera; genus Drosera (the type genus of Droseraceae including many low bog-inhabiting insectivorous plants)
Dionaea; genus Dionaea (a genus of the family Droseraceae)
Aldrovanda; genus Aldrovanda (one species: waterwheel plant)
Drosophyllum; genus Drosophyllum (one species)
genus Roridula (insectivorous undershrubs of South Africa; in some classifications placed in the family Droseraceae)
Cordia; genus Cordia (tropical deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Boraginaceae)
genus Convolvulus (genus of mostly climbing or scrambling herbs and shrubs: bindweed)
Argyreia; genus Argyreia (woody climbers of tropical Asia to Australia)
Calystegia; genus Calystegia (climbing or scrambling herbs: bindweed)
Cuscuta; genus Cuscuta (genus of twining leafless parasitic herbs lacking chlorophyll: dodder)
genus Dichondra (genus of chiefly tropical prostrate perennial herbs with creeping stems that root at the nodes)
genus Ipomoea; Ipomoea (morning glory)
genus Monardella; Monardella (a genus of fragrant herbs of the family Labiatae in the western United States)
genus Rhamnus; Rhamnus (type genus of the Rhamnaceae: buckthorns)
Colubrina; genus Colubrina (mostly tropical American shrubs or small trees with small yellowish flowers and yellow or red fruits)
genus Ziziphus; Ziziphus (spiny chiefly tropical American and Asiatic shrubs: jujubes)
genus Paliurus; Paliurus (thorny Eurasian shrubs)
genus Pomaderris; Pomaderris (a genus of Australasian shrubs and trees)
genus Vitis; Vitis (the type genus of the family Vitaceae; woody vines with simple leaves and small flowers; includes a wide variety of grapes)
genus Parthenocissus; Parthenocissus (woody vines having disklike tips on the tendrils)
genus Piper; Piper (type genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs)
genus Peperomia (large genus of small tropical usually succulent herbs)
Chloranthus; genus Chloranthus (type genus of the Chloranthaceae)
genus Saururus; Saururus (type genus of the Saururaceae: lizard's-tails)
Anemopsis; genus Anemopsis (one species: yerba mansa)
genus Houttuynia; Houttuynia (one species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places)
Asclepias; genus Asclepias (genus of chiefly North American perennial herbs: silkweed; milkweed)
Araujia; genus Araujia (small genus of South American evergreen vines)
genus Cynancum (genus of perennial tropical African lianas)
genus Hoya (large genus of climbing shrubs of Australia and Asia and Polynesia)
genus Periploca; Periploca (genus of woody vines of warm regions of the Old World)
genus Sarcostemma; Sarcostemma (succulent subshrubs or vines; tropical and subtropical India and Africa and Malaysia)
genus Stapelia (genus of foul-smelling plants resembling cacti; found from Africa to East India)
genus Stephanotis (genus of Old World tropical woody vines)
genus Vincetoxicum; Vincetoxicum (genus of chiefly tropical American vines having cordate leaves and large purple or greenish cymose flowers; supposedly having powers as an antidote)
Holonyms ("dicot genus" is a member of...):
class Dicotyledonae; class Dicotyledones; class Magnoliopsida; Dicotyledonae; Dicotyledones; Magnoliopsida (comprising seed plants that produce an embryo with paired cotyledons and net-veined leaves; divided into six (not always well distinguished) subclasses (or superorders): Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae (considered primitive); Caryophyllidae (an early and distinctive offshoot); and three more or less advanced groups: Dilleniidae; Rosidae; Asteridae)