A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The act of discovering somethingplay


discovery; find; uncovering

Classified under:

Nouns denoting acts or actions

Hypernyms ("discovery" is a kind of...):

act; deed; human action; human activity (something that people do or cause to happen)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "discovery"):

tracing (the discovery and description of the course of development of something)

catching; detection; espial; spotting; spying (the act of detecting something; catching sight of something)

self-discovery (discovering your own individuality)

breakthrough (making an important discovery)

determination; finding (the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation)

rediscovery (the act of discovering again)


discover (get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally)

discover (make a discovery)

discover (make a discovery, make a new finding)

discover (see for the first time; make a discovery)

discover (discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of)

discover (find unexpectedly)

Sense 2


A productive insightplay


breakthrough; discovery; find

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents

Hypernyms ("discovery" is a kind of...):

brainstorm; brainwave; insight (the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation)


discover (discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of)

discover (see for the first time; make a discovery)

discover (make a discovery, make a new finding)

discover (make a discovery)

discover (get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally)

Sense 3


Something that is discoveredplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("discovery" is a kind of...):

disclosure; revealing; revelation (the speech act of making something evident)


discover (get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally)

discover (make a discovery)

discover (make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret)

discover (make a discovery, make a new finding)

discover (see for the first time; make a discovery)

discover (discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of)

discover (find unexpectedly)

Sense 4


(law) compulsory pretrial disclosure of documents relevant to a case; enables one side in a litigation to elicit information from the other side concerning the facts in the caseplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting communicative processes and contents

Hypernyms ("discovery" is a kind of...):

disclosure; revealing; revelation (the speech act of making something evident)

Domain category:

jurisprudence; law (the collection of rules imposed by authority)


 Context examples: 

The discovery is an important step in better understanding the early-life stages of this commercially valuable fish, the authors said.

(North Atlantic haddock use magnetic compass to guide them, National Science Foundation)

Enhance discovery of the acquired and inherited molecular changes in cancer. 2.

(Cancer Genome Anatomy Project, NCI Thesaurus)

Jo valued goodness highly, but she also possessed a most feminine respect for intellect, and a little discovery which she made about the Professor added much to her regard for him.

(Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott)

But I had another reason, which made me less forward to enlarge his majesty’s dominions by my discoveries.

(Gulliver's Travels into several remote nations of the world, by Jonathan Swift)

Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) is a popular technique for protein interaction discovery.

(Co-Immunoprecipitation, NCI Thesaurus)

By speeding the discovery process and translation of the best discoveries into clinical interventions, the CII will transform cancer care through more effective and efficient information exchanges among all involved in cancer research.

(Cancer Informatics Infrastructure, NCI Thesaurus)

But as they grew shorter and White Fang's second winter in the Southland came on, he made a strange discovery.

(White Fang, by Jack London)

He brought his great discovery to Ruth, sharing with her all his joy and wonder in it.

(Martin Eden, by Jack London)

This discovery provides strong evidence that the triclosan found in personal care products that we use daily is accelerating the spread of antibiotic resistance.

(Toothpaste and Hand Wash Are Causing Antibiotic Resistance, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The two previous updates include discoveries from 1999 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2013.

(Report unveils 381 new plant and animal species in Amazon, Agência Brasil)


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