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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A gland that secretes externally through a ductplay


duct gland; exocrine; exocrine gland

Classified under:

Nouns denoting body parts

Hypernyms ("duct gland" is a kind of...):

gland; secreter; secretor; secretory organ (any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "duct gland"):

oil gland (a gland that secretes oil)

sudoriferous gland; sweat gland (any of the glands in the skin that secrete perspiration)

lachrymal gland; lacrimal gland; tear gland (any of the glands in the eyes that secrete tears)

pancreas (a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secretes pancreatic juice and insulin)

bulbourethral gland; Cowper's gland (either of two glands that discharge a component of seminal fluid into the urethra; homologous to Bartholin's gland in the female)

cervical glands; cervical glands of the uterus; glandulae cervicales uteri (mucus-secreting glands in the mucosa of the uterine cervix)

seminal vesicle (either of a pair of glands located on either side of the male urinary bladder that open into the vas deferens and that secrete many components of semen during ejaculation)

digestive gland (any gland having ducts that pour secretions into the digestive tract)

salivary gland (any of three pairs of glands in the mouth and digestive system that secrete saliva for digestion)

mamma; mammary gland (milk-secreting organ of female mammals)

nabothian gland (one of many small glands of the uterine cervix that secrete mucus)

vestibular gland (a gland that opens into the vestibule of the vagina; secretions lubricate the vagina during coitus)



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