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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sandplay


it was the kind of duster not experienced in years


dust storm; duster; sandstorm; sirocco

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural phenomena

Hypernyms ("dust storm" is a kind of...):

windstorm (a storm consisting of violent winds)


 Context examples: 

Dust storms also will present challenges for astronauts on the Red Planet.

(Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars, NASA)

Earth has dust storms, too, in desert regions such as North Africa, the Middle East and the southwest United States.

(Martian Dust Storm Grows Global: Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze, NASA)

The near-surface wind speeds required to raise such an amount of dust as we see in these dust storms would have to be very strong — about five times as strong as the average wind speeds estimated.

(Dust Storms on Titan Spotted for the First Time, NASA)

Dust towers appear throughout the Martian year, but MRO observed something different during the 2018 global dust storm.

(Global Storms on Mars Launch Dust Towers Into the Sky, NASA)

Decades of Mars observations document a pattern of multiple regional dust storms arising during the northern spring and summer.

(Dust Storms Linked to Gas Escape from Mars Atmosphere, NASA)

Mars will reach the midpoint of its current dust storm season on October 29th of this year.

(Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars, NASA)

The dust storm it’s not unique to Mars.

(Martian Dust Storm Grows Global: Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze, NASA)

The existence of such strong winds generating massive dust storms implies that the underlying sand can be set in motion, too, and that the giant dunes covering Titan's equatorial regions are still active and continually changing.

(Dust Storms on Titan Spotted for the First Time, NASA)

By the time a tower reaches a height of 50 miles (80 kilometers), as seen during the 2018 global dust storm, it may be as wide as Nevada.

(Global Storms on Mars Launch Dust Towers Into the Sky, NASA)

Not all Mars watchers are thrilled with the idea of a global dust storm, which can adversely affect ongoing missions.

(Dust Storms Linked to Gas Escape from Mars Atmosphere, NASA)


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