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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (adjective) 

Sense 1


Relating to or caused by estrogenplay

Classified under:

Relational adjectives (pertainyms)


estrogen (a general term for female steroid sex hormones that are secreted by the ovary and responsible for typical female sexual characteristics)


estrogen (a general term for female steroid sex hormones that are secreted by the ovary and responsible for typical female sexual characteristics)


 Context examples: 

The hydrochloride salt of arzoxifene, a synthetic aromatic derivative with anti-estrogenic properties.

(Arzoxifene hydrochloride, NCI Thesaurus)

Estrogenic and rarely androgenic manifestations may be present.

(Adult Type Granulosa Cell Tumor, NCI Thesaurus)

It has weak estrogenic and androgenic properties.

(Norethindrone Acetate, NLM, Medical Subject Headings)

The vast majority of cases are stage I lesions at presentation and produce either estrogenic or androgenic manifestations.

(Ovarian Gynandroblastoma, NCI Thesaurus)

It may present with estrogenic and less often androgenic manifestations.

(Ovarian Retiform Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor, NCI Thesaurus)

A tamoxifen metabolite with both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects.

(Afimoxifene, NCI Thesaurus)

The orally bioavailable acetate salt of norethindrone, a synthetic progestin with some anabolic, estrogenic, and androgenic activities.

(Norethindrone Acetate, NCI Thesaurus)

An herbal extract derived from the root of the plant Angelica sinensis with possible antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, vasodilatory, estrogenic, and antitumor activities.

(Angelica Sinensis Root Extract, NCI Thesaurus)

A synthetic progestational substance with some anabolic, estrogenic, and androgenic properties.

(Norethindrone, NCI Thesaurus)

The orally bioavailable citrate salt of enclomiphene, the trans-isomer of the nonsteroidal triphenylethylene compound clomiphene, with tissue-selective estrogenic and antiestrogenic activities.

(Enclomiphene Citrate, NCI Thesaurus)


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