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Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Genera of ferns and fern alliesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("fern genus" is a kind of...):

genus ((biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "fern genus"):

genus Pecopteris (genus of Carboniferous fossil ferns)

genus Hymenophyllum; Hymenophyllum (type genus of the Hymenophyllaceae: filmy ferns)

genus Trichomanes; Trichomanes (bristle ferns; kidney ferns)

genus Osmunda (type genus of the Osmundaceae)

genus Leptopteris; Leptopteris (including some ferns sometimes placed in genus Todea)

genus Todea; Todea (a genus of delicate ferns belonging to the family Osmundaceae)

genus Schizaea; Schizaea (type genus of the Schizaeaceae cosmopolitan especially in tropics; small leptosporangiate ferns: curly grass fern)

Anemia; genus Anemia (genus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical America)

genus Lygodium; Lygodium (chiefly tropical climbing ferns)

genus Mohria; Mohria (African terrestrial ferns)

genus Marsilea; Marsilea (clover ferns)

genus Pilularia; Pilularia (pillworts)

genus Regnellidium (one species of aquatic or semiaquatic fern)

genus Salvinia; Salvinia (type genus of the Salviniaceae: water ferns)

Azolla; genus Azolla (a genus of fern sometimes placed in its own family Azollaceae)

genus Ophioglossum; Ophioglossum (the type genus of the fern family Ophioglossaceae)

Botrychium; genus Botrychium (grape fern; moonwort)

genus Helminthostachys; Helminthostachys (one species: terrestrial fern of southeastern Asia and Australia)

genus Gleichenia; Gleichenia (type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Malaysia and New Zealand)

Dicranopteris; genus Dicranopteris (terrestrial ferns of forest margin or open ground; pantropical)

Diplopterygium; genus Diplopterygium (scandent thicket-forming ferns of Asia to western Pacific)

genus Sticherus; Sticherus (umbrella ferns; warm regions of Australia and New Zealand)

Ceratopteris; genus Ceratopteris (water ferns)

genus Polypodium; Polypodium (a genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae and having rounded naked sori)

Aglaomorpha; genus Aglaomorpha (epiphytic ferns of tropical Asia)

Campyloneurum; genus Campyloneurum (epiphytic ferns of tropical America)

Drymoglossum; genus Drymoglossum (epiphytic ferns of Madagascar to tropical Asia and New Guinea)

Drynaria; genus Drynaria (large robust epiphytic ferns of tropical forest and scrub; Africa and Asia and Australia)

genus Lecanopteris (epiphytic ferns of southeastern Asia to New Guinea)

genus Microgramma; Microgramma (epiphytic ferns of tropical America and Africa)

genus Microsorium; Microsorium (tropical usually epiphytic ferns; Africa to Asia and Polynesia to Australia)

genus Phlebodium; Phlebodium (chiefly epiphytic tropical ferns with free veins bearing sori)

genus Platycerium; Platycerium (often epiphytic tropical Old World ferns)

genus Pyrrosia; Pyrrosia (epiphytic or lithophytic or terrestrial ferns of tropical Old World)

genus Solanopteris; Solanopteris (tropical American epiphytic ferns having rhizomes with tubers and roots as well as scales)

Cyclophorus; genus Cyclophorus (tropical Old World ferns having closely crowded circular sori and no indusia)

genus Vittaria; Vittaria (tropical epiphytic ferns with straplike fronds)

Asplenium; genus Asplenium (in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae)

Camptosorus; genus Camptosorus (classification used in some especially former systems for plants usually placed in genus Asplenium)

Ceterach; genus Ceterach (small genus of Old World ferns; superseded in some classification systems which place plants of this genus in e.g. genera Asplenium and Pleurosorus)

genus Pleurosorus; Pleurosorus (small genus comprising terrestrial ferns; found in Chile and Spain and Morocco and Australia and New Zealand)

genus Schaffneria; Schaffneria (one species)

genus Phyllitis; genus Scolopendrium; Phyllitis (a genus of ferns belonging to the family Polypodiaceae (in some classification systems included in genus Asplenium))

Blechnum; genus Blechnum (in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; terrestrial ferns of cosmopolitan distribution mainly in southern hemisphere: hard ferns)

Doodia; genus Doodia (in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae; small terrestrial colony-forming ferns of Australasia)

genus Sadleria; Sadleria (low tree ferns with large fronds; in rain forests and on lava flows of Hawaiian Islands)

genus Stenochlaena; Stenochlaena (large tropical ferns; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns; Africa; Asia; Australasia)

genus Woodwardia; Woodwardia (in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae: chain ferns)

Cyathea; genus Cyathea (type genus of the Cyatheaceae: tree ferns of the tropical rain forest to temperate woodlands)

genus Davallia (Old World tropical fern; in some classification systems placed directly in family Polypodiaceae)

Dennstaedtia; genus Dennstaedtia (chiefly terrestrial ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae)

genus Pteridium; Pteridium (a genus of ferns belonging to the family Dennstaedtiaceae)

Dicksonia; genus Dicksonia (tree ferns of temperate Australasia having bipinnatifid or tripinnatifid fronds and usually marginal sori; in some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae)

Cibotium; genus Cibotium (in some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae: ornamental tree ferns with coarse gracefully drooping fronds)

Culcita; genus Culcita (includes some plants usually placed in e.g. genus Dicksonia: terrestrial ferns resembling bracken; tropical America; Malaysia to Australia and Polynesia; southwestern Europe and Atlantic islands)

genus Thyrsopteris (one species)

Dryopteris; genus Dryopteris (large widespread genus of medium-sized terrestrial ferns; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae)

Athyrium; genus Athyrium (temperate and tropical lady ferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or in the genus Asplenium)

Cyrtomium; genus Cyrtomium (small genus of tropical Asiatic greenhouse ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae)

Cystopteris; genus Cystopteris (chiefly small perennial rock ferns: bladder ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae)

Deparia; genus Deparia (classification used for 5 species of terrestrial ferns usually placed in other genera)

Diacalpa; genus Diacalpa (one species: delicate fern of foothills of Himalayas)

genus Gymnocarpium; Gymnocarpium (oak ferns: in some classification systems included in genus Thelypteris)

genus Lastreopsis; Lastreopsis (tropical terrestrial shield ferns)

genus Matteuccia; genus Pteretis; Matteuccia; Pteretis (small genus sometimes included in genus Onoclea; in some classifications both genera are placed in Polypodiaceae)

genus Olfersia; Olfersia (genus of fern having only one species)

genus Onoclea; Onoclea (one species: sensitive fern; in some classifications included in Polypodiaceae)

genus Polybotria; genus Polybotrya; Polybotria; Polybotrya (tropical American ferns; usually terrestrial when young but scandent later)

genus Polystichum; Polystichum (small to medium-sized terrestrial ferns especially holly ferns; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae)

genus Rumohra; Rumohra (leatherleaf ferns: in some classifications included in genus Polystichum)

genus Tectaria; Tectaria (terrestrial or epilithic ferns of tropical rain forests)

genus Woodsia (genus of small to medium-sized usually rock-inhabiting ferns of temperate and cold regions; in some classification systems placed in Polypodiaceae)

Bolbitis; genus Bolbitis (terrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere)

genus Lomogramma; Lomogramma (large scandent ferns of southeastern Asia)

genus Lophosoria; Lophosoria (one species: tree fern of Central and South America)

genus Loxoma; Loxoma (one species of terrestrial ferns of New Zealand)

genus Oleandra; Oleandra (or family Polypodiaceae: tropical epiphytic or terrestrial ferns)

Arthropteris; genus Arthropteris (tropical and subtropical Old World epiphytic or lithophytic ferns)

genus Nephrolepis; Nephrolepis (small genus of tropical ferns; sometimes placed in Polypodiaceae)

Acrostichum; genus Acrostichum (in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae)

Actiniopteris; genus Actiniopteris (terrestrial ferns of tropical Asia and Africa)

Adiantum; genus Adiantum (cosmopolitan genus of ferns: maidenhair ferns; in some classification systems placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae)

Anogramma; genus Anogramma (a genus of ferns belonging to the family Pteridaceae)

Cheilanthes; genus Cheilanthes (small evergreen ferns: lipferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae)

Coniogramme; genus Coniogramme (terrestrial ferns of Pacific islands and Asia)

Cryptogramma; genus Cryptogramma (sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Cryptogrammataceae)

Doryopteris; genus Doryopteris (small to medium tropical tufted ferns; sometimes placed in family Adiantaceae)

genus Jamesonia; Jamesonia (xerophytic ferns of South America)

genus Onychium; Onychium (small terrestrial ferns of Old World tropics and subtropics: clawed ferns; sometimes placed in family Cryptogrammataceae)

genus Pellaea; Pellaea (genus of chiefly small rock-loving ferns; in some classification systems it is placed in the family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae)

genus Pityrogramma; Pityrogramma (terrestrial tropical ferns having fronds with powdery yellowish or white undersides; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae)

genus Pteris; Pteris (large genus of terrestrial ferns of tropics and subtropics; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae)

genus Marattia; Marattia (type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows)

genus Angiopteris (one species: tree fern)

Danaea; genus Danaea (fairly small terrestrial ferns of tropical America)

genus Psilotum; Psilotum (type genus of the Psilotaceae)

genus Psilophyton (type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia)

genus Rhynia; Rhynia (type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes)

genus Horneophyton; Horneophyton (Devonian fossil plant considered one of the earliest forms of vascular land plants; similar to genus Rhynia but smaller)

Equisetum; genus Equisetum (horsetails; coextensive with the family Equisetaceae)

genus Lycopodium; Lycopodium (type and sole genus of the Lycopodiaceae; erect or creeping evergreen plants often used for Christmas decorations)

genus Selaginella; Selaginella (type and sole genus of the Selaginellaceae; evergreen moss-like plants: spike moss and little club moss)

genus Isoetes; Isoetes (type and genus of the Isoetaceae and sole extant genus of the order Isoetales)

genus Thelypteris; Thelypteris (marsh ferns: in some classification systems considered part of genus Dryopteris in family Dryopteridaceae)

Amauropelta; genus Amauropelta (epiphytic or terrestrial ferns of America and Africa and Polynesia)

genus Christella (medium to large terrestrial ferns of tropical forests of Old World to Americas)

Cyclosorus; genus Cyclosorus (small genus of terrestrial ferns of tropical and subtropical southern hemisphere)

genus Goniopteris; Goniopteris (terrestrial ferns of Florida and West Indies to Central and South America)

genus Macrothelypteris; Macrothelypteris (medium to large terrestrial ferns of tropical Asia to Polynesia and Australia; naturalized in Americas)

genus Meniscium; Meniscium (terrestrial ferns of tropical Americas)

genus Oreopteris; Oreopteris (3 species of ferns formerly included in genus Dryopteris or Thelypteris)

genus Parathelypteris; Parathelypteris (terrestrial ferns of warm and tropical Asia and North America)

genus Phegopteris; Phegopteris (beech ferns: genus is variously classified: considered alternative name for genus Dryopteris or included in genus Thelypteris)

Holonyms ("fern genus" is a member of...):

division Pteridophyta; Pteridophyta (containing all the vascular plants that do not bear seeds: ferns, horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns; in some classifications considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta)



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