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I. (noun)
Sense 1
Any of various families of fish
Classified under:
Hypernyms ("fish family" is a kind of...):
family ((biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera)
Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "fish family"):
Cobitidae; family Cobitidae (loaches)
Cyprinidae; family Cyprinidae (a family of fish including: carp; tench; roach; rudd; dace)
Electrophoridae; family Electrophoridae (small family comprising the electric eels)
Catostomidae; family Catostomidae (suckers; closely related to the family Cyprinidae)
Cyprinodontidae; family Cyprinodontidae (large family of small soft-finned fishes; killifishes; flagfishes; swordtails; guppies)
family Poeciliidae; Poeciliidae (topminnows)
family Holocentridae; Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes)
Anomalopidae; family Anomalopidae (a family of fish including: flashlight fishes)
family Zeidae; Zeidae (a family of fish in the order Zeomorphi)
Caproidae; family Caproidae (boarfishes)
family Fistulariidae; Fistulariidae (cornetfishes)
family Gasterosteidae; Gasterosteidae (sticklebacks)
family Syngnathidae; Syngnathidae (pipefishes)
family Macrorhamphosidae; Macrorhamphosidae (bellows fishes)
Centriscidae; family Centriscidae (shrimpfishes)
Aulostomidae; family Aulostomidae (trumpetfishes)
family Petromyzontidae; Petromyzontidae (lampreys)
family Myxinidae; Myxinidae (slime-producing marine animals: hagfishes)
Chimaeridae; family Chimaeridae (a family of Holocephali)
family Hexanchidae; Hexanchidae (primitive sharks)
family Lamnidae; Lamnidae (oceanic sharks)
family Isuridae; Isuridae (in some classifications another name for the family Lamnidae)
Cetorhinidae; family Cetorhinidae (in some older classifications considered the family of the basking sharks)
Alopiidae; family Alopiidae (thresher sharks)
family Orectolobidae; Orectolobidae (nurse sharks and carpet sharks)
Carchariidae; family Carchariidae; family Odontaspididae; Odontaspididae (sand sharks; in some classifications coextensive with family Carcharhinidae)
family Rhincodontidae; Rhincodontidae (small-toothed sharks comprising only one species)
family Scyliorhinidae; Scyliorhinidae (small bottom-dwelling sharks)
Carcharhinidae; family Carcharhinidae (largest family of living sharks; found worldwide especially in tropical waters; dorsal fin lacks spines: requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharks)
family Triakidae; Triakidae (small sharks with smooth skins and lacking spines on their dorsal fins)
family Squalidae; Squalidae (dogfishes having a spine in each dorsal fin)
family Sphyrnidae; Sphyrnidae (hammerhead sharks; bonnethead sharks)
family Squatinidae; Squatinidae (bottom-dwelling ray-like sharks)
family Torpedinidae; Torpedinidae (electric rays)
family Pristidae; Pristidae (large primitive rays with elongated snouts)
family Rhinobatidae; Rhinobatidae (primitive rays with guitar-shaped bodies)
Dasyatidae; family Dasyatidae (sting rays)
family Myliobatidae; Myliobatidae (eagle rays)
family Mobulidae; Mobulidae (large rays lacking venomous spines: mantas)
family Rajidae; Rajidae (bottom-dwelling tropical rays: skates)
family Latimeridae; Latimeridae (extinct except for the coelacanth)
Ceratodontidae; family Ceratodontidae (lungfishes having hornlike ridges on the teeth)
family Siluridae; Siluridae (Old World catfishes)
Ameiuridae; family Ameiuridae (North American catfishes)
family Laricariidae; Laricariidae (armored catfish)
Ariidae; family Ariidae (sea catfishes)
family Gadidae; Gadidae (large family of important mostly marine food fishes)
family Macrouridae; family Macruridae; Macrouridae; Macruridae (grenadiers)
Anguillidae; family Anguillidae (eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to the sea to spawn)
family Muraenidae; Muraenidae; Congridae; family Congridae (marine eels)
family Gonorhynchidae; Gonorhynchidae (coextensive with the genus Gonorhynchus)
Clupeidae; family Clupeidae (herrings; shad; sardines; etc.)
Engraulidae; family Engraulidae (anchovies)
family Salmonidae; Salmonidae (salmon and trout)
Coregonidae; family Coregonidae (soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae)
family Osmeridae; Osmeridae (smelts)
Elopidae; family Elopidae (tarpons and ladyfishes)
Albulidae; family Albulidae (bonefish)
Argentinidae; family Argentinidae (small marine soft-finned fishes with long silvery bodies; related to salmons and trouts)
family Myctophidae; Myctophidae (deep-sea fishes comprising the lantern fishes)
family Synodontidae; Synodontidae (soft-finned bottom-dwelling fishes)
Chlorophthalmidae; family Chlorophthalmidae (small family of soft-finned bottom-dwellers with large eyes; relatives of lizardfishes)
family Osteoglossidae; Osteoglossidae (a family of large fishes that live in freshwater; includes bandfish and bonytongues)
family Lampridae; Lampridae (opahs)
family Trachipteridae; Trachipteridae; family Regalecidae; Regalecidae (ribbonfishes)
family Ogcocephalidae; Ogcocephalidae (batfishes: sluggish bottom-dwelling spiny fishes)
family Lophiidae; Lophiidae (large-headed marine fishes comprising the anglers)
Batrachoididae; family Batrachoididae (toadfishes; related to anglers and batfishes)
Antennariidae; family Antennariidae (frogfishes; tropical spiny-finned marine fishes having large nearly vertical mouths; related to toadfishes and anglers)
Belonidae; family Belonidae (ferocious fishes of warm regions resembling but unrelated to the freshwater gars)
Exocoetidae; family Exocoetidae (flying fishes; closely related to the halfbeaks)
family Hemiramphidae; Hemiramphidae (halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide)
family Scomberesocidae; family Scombresocidae; Scomberesocidae; Scombresocidae (only sauries)
family Ophiodontidae; Ophiodontidae (fishes closely related to greenlings)
Anabantidae; family Anabantidae (small freshwater spiny-finned fishes of Africa and southern Asia)
family Percidae; Percidae (active freshwater fishes; true perches and pike perches)
family Trichodontidae; Trichodontidae (two species of elongate compressed scaleless large-eyed fishes that live in sand or mud)
family Ophidiidae; Ophidiidae (eellike marine fishes)
Brotulidae; family Brotulidae (chiefly deep-sea fishes related to the Ophidiidae)
Carapidae; family Carapidae (pearlfishes: related to the Brotulidae)
Centropomidae; family Centropomidae (a family of fish or the order Perciformes including robalos)
Esocidae; family Esocidae (pikes; pickerels; muskellunges)
Centrarchidae; family Centrarchidae (sunfish family)
family Serranidae; Serranidae (marine fishes: sea basses; sea perches; groupers; jewfish)
Embiotocidae; family Embiotocidae (viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes)
family Priacanthidae; Priacanthidae (small carnivorous percoid fishes found worldwide in tropical seas)
Apogonidae; family Apogonidae (bright-colored marine fishes that incubate eggs in the mouth)
family Malacanthidae; Malacanthidae (short-headed marine fishes; often brightly colored)
family Pomatomidae; Pomatomidae (food and game fishes related to pompanos)
family Rachycentridae; Rachycentridae (family of pelagic fishes containing solely the cobia)
Echeneididae; family Echeneidae; family Echeneididae (fishes having a sucking disk on the head for clinging to other fishes and to ships)
Carangidae; family Carangidae (large family of narrow-bodied marine food fishes with widely forked tails; chiefly of warm seas)
Coryphaenidae; family Coryphaenidae (large active pelagic percoid fish)
Bramidae; family Bramidae (deep-bodied percoid fishes of the open seas)
Branchiostegidae; family Branchiostegidae (small family of marine fishes having covered gills)
Characidae; family Characidae (tropical freshwater fishes of Africa and South America and Central America)
Characinidae; family Characinidae (former name of the Characidae)
Cichlidae; family Cichlidae (cichlids)
family Lutjanidae; Lutjanidae (snappers)
family Haemulidae; Haemulidae (grunts)
family Sparidae; Sparidae (porgies; scups)
family Sciaenidae; Sciaenidae (warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout)
family Mullidae; Mullidae (goatfishes or red mullets)
family Mugilidae; Mugilidae (grey mullets)
Atherinidae; family Atherinidae (small spiny-finned fishes of both salt and fresh water)
family Sphyraenidae; Sphyraenidae (monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda)
family Pempheridae; Pempheridae (sweepers)
family Kyphosidae; Kyphosidae (sea chubs)
Ephippidae; family Ephippidae (small family comprising the spadefishes)
Chaetodontidae; family Chaetodontidae (butterfly fishes)
family Pomacentridae; Pomacentridae (damselfishes)
family Labridae; Labridae (wrasses)
family Scaridae; Scaridae (parrotfishes)
family Polynemidae; Polynemidae (threadfins)
family Opisthognathidae; Opisthognathidae (jawfishes)
family Uranoscopidae; Uranoscopidae (stargazers)
Dactyloscopidae; family Dactyloscopidae (sand stargazers)
Blenniidae; family Blenniidae (a family of fish including: combtooth blennies)
Clinidae; family Clinidae (viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas)
family Pholidae; family Pholididae; Pholidae (a family of fish of suborder Blennioidea)
family Stichaeidae; Stichaeidae (pricklebacks)
Anarhichadidae; family Anarhichadidae (wolffishes)
family Zoarcidae; Zoarcidae (eelpouts)
Ammodytidae; family Ammodytidae (sand lances)
Callionymidae; family Callionymidae (dragonets)
family Gobiidae; Gobiidae (gobies)
Eleotridae; family Eleotridae (sleepers)
family Percophidae; Percophidae (percoid flatheads)
family Toxotidae; Toxotidae (archerfishes)
family Microdesmidae; Microdesmidae (worm fish)
Acanthuridae; family Acanthuridae (surgeonfishes)
family Gempylidae; Gempylidae (snake mackerels)
family Trichiuridae; Trichiuridae (cutlassfishes)
family Scombridae; Scombridae (marine food fishes: mackerels; chub mackerels; tuna)
family Kasuwonidae; Katsuwonidae (in some classifications considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos)
family Xiphiidae; Xiphiidae (comprising the common swordfishes)
family Istiophoridae; Istiophoridae (sailfishes; spearfishes; marlins)
family Luvaridae; Luvaridae (louvars)
family Stromateidae; Stromateidae (butterfishes: harvest fishes; dollar fishes)
family Gobiesocidae; Gobiesocidae (clingfishes)
family Lobotidae; Lobotidae (tripletails)
family Gerreidae; family Gerridae; Gerreidae; Gerridae (mojarras)
family Sillaginidae; Sillaginidae (small family of small food fishes in shallow waters of the Pacific around Indonesia)
Amiidae; family Amiidae (only the bowfins)
family Polyodontidae; Polyodontidae (paddlefishes)
Acipenseridae; family Acipenseridae (sturgeons)
family Lepisosteidae; Lepisosteidae (comprises the genus Lepisosteus)
family Scorpaenidae; Scorpaenidae (scorpionfishes; rockfishes; lionfishes)
Cottidae; family Cottidae (sculpins)
Cyclopteridae; family Cyclopteridae (lumpfishes)
family Liparidae; family Liparididae; Liparidae; Liparididae (snailfishes)
Agonidae; family Agonidae (poachers)
family Hexagrammidae; Hexagrammidae (greenlings)
family Platycephalidae; Platycephalidae (scorpaenoid flatheads)
family Triglidae; Triglidae (in some classifications restricted to the gurnards and subdivided into the subfamilies Triglinae (true sea robins) and Peristediinae (armored sea robins))
subfamily Triglinae; Triglinae (in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising searobins having ordinary scales and no barbels (true searobins))
Peristediinae; subfamily Peristediinae (in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising the armored searobins)
Dactylopteridae; family Dactylopteridae (flying gurnards)
Balistidae; family Balistidae (triggerfishes)
family Monocanthidae; Monocanthidae (filefishes)
family Ostraciidae; family Ostraciontidae; Ostraciidae (boxfishes)
family Tetraodontidae; Tetraodontidae (puffers)
Diodontidae; family Diodontidae (spiny puffers)
family Molidae; Molidae (ocean sunfishes)
family Pleuronectidae; Pleuronectidae (righteye flounders)
Bothidae; family Bothidae (a family of fish of the order Heterosomata)
Cynoglossidae; family Cynoglossidae (tonguefishes)
family Soleidae; Soleidae (soles)
Holonyms ("fish family" is a member of...):
Craniata; subphylum Craniata; subphylum Vertebrata; Vertebrata (fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals)