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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A B vitamin that is essential for cell growth and reproductionplay


folacin; folate; folic acid; pteroylglutamic acid; pteroylmonoglutamic acid; vitamin Bc; vitamin M

Classified under:

Nouns denoting substances

Hypernyms ("folic acid" is a kind of...):

B; B-complex vitamin; B complex; B vitamin; vitamin B; vitamin B complex (originally thought to be a single vitamin but now separated into several B vitamins)


 Context examples: 

A compound with a chemical structure similar to folic acid.

(Folate antagonist, NCI Thesaurus)

A substance that blocks the activity of folic acid.

(Folate antagonist, NCI Dictionary)

Total folate activity which adjusts for the lower bioavailability of folate in food compared to folic acid using an accepted conversion formula.

(Folate In Dietary Folate Equivalents, NCI Thesaurus/CRCH)

This protein is involved in folic acid transport.

(Folate Receptor Beta, NCI Thesaurus)

The folate component of folate receptor-targeted technetium Tc 99m EC20 binds to folic acid receptors, which are frequently upregulated in many types of tumor cells and activated macrophages.

(Folate Receptor-Targeted Technetium Tc-99m EC20, NCI Thesaurus)

Mediated through its folate moiety, folate receptor-targeted vinca alkaloid EC0489 delivers the cytotoxic vinca alkaloid moiety directly to cells expressing folic acid receptors, frequently upregulated in many types of tumor cells.

(Folate Receptor-Targeted Vinca Alkaloid EC0489, NCI Thesaurus)

This species is catalase negative, requires folic acid for growth in culture, ferments arabinose and melibiose, does not ferment citrate, does not reduce tetrazolium and is a lactic acid bacteria.

(Enterococcus faecium, NCI Thesaurus)

Mediated through the folate moiety, this agent delivers the cytotoxic agents directly into cells expressing folic acid receptors, frequently upregulated in many types of tumor cells.

(Folate Receptor-Targeted Vinca Alkaloid/Mitomycin C EC0225, NCI Thesaurus)

Men received a placebo or an antioxidant supplement containing vitamins C, E and D, selenium, l-carnitine, zinc, folic acid and lycopene for at least three months and up to six months.

(Antioxidant supplements do not improve male fertility, National Institutes of Health)

Compared to women who did not take a folic acid supplement, those who took less than 400 micrograms were 22% less likely to develop gestational diabetes.

(Daily folic acid supplement may reduce risk of gestational diabetes, National Institutes of Health)


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