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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


The ordering of nucleotides in DNA molecules that carries the genetic information in living cellsplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects

Hypernyms ("genetic code" is a kind of...):

order; ordering; ordination (logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "genetic code"):

triplet code (the normal version of the genetic code in which a sequence of three nucleotides codes for the synthesis of a specific amino acid)


 Context examples: 

Transposons, more commonly called jumping genes, are mobile snippets of DNA code that can copy themselves into new positions within the genome - the genetic code of an organism.

(Harnessing tomato jumping genes could help speed-breed drought-resistant crops, University of Cambridge)

The group’s analyses identified an epigenetic mark—a genetic feature not directly governed by the genetic code—that is associated with saturated fat intake exclusively in subjects who carry this genetic factor.

(International Research Team Finds Correlation Between Genetics and Obesity Is Modified by Diet, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

When bound to the ribosome, the antibiotic disrupts its ability to interpret and translate genetic code.

(A New Class of Antibiotics to Combat Drug Resistance, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Researchers at Drexel University are using its pattern-recognition ability to identify microbial communities in the human body by sifting through volumes of genetic code.

(Microbes are at work in our bodies, and researchers have figured out what they're up to, National Science Foundation)

Dr. Singleton and his colleagues collected and combined data from existing genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which allow scientists to find common variants, or subtle differences, in the genetic codes of large groups of individuals.

(NIH scientists find six new genetic risk factors for Parkinson’s, NIH)

In the study, researchers tagged cells using a transposon, a piece of genetic code that can jump to a random point in DNA when exposed to an enzyme called transposase, to track blood progenitors and adult stem cells during the natural, unperturbed process of blood regeneration.

(Cellular barcoding helps scientists understand the behavior of stem cells, National Institutes of Health)

As a result, this agent interferes with the initiation complex between messenger RNA and the bacterial ribosome thereby causing the misreading of the genetic code resulting in the production of non-functional proteins, consequently leading to bacterial cell death.

(Dihydrostreptomycin, NCI Thesaurus)

In other words, in adult mice, regions of the genetic code that are critical for regeneration are closed for business.

(Researchers unlock regenerative potential of cells in the mouse retina, National Institutes of Health)


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