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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1




Alnus; genus Alnus

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Alnus" is a kind of...):

hamamelid dicot genus (genus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins)

Meronyms (members of "genus Alnus"):

alder; alder tree (north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit; bark is used in tanning and dyeing and the wood is rot-resistant)

Alnus glutinosa; Alnus vulgaris; common alder; European black alder (medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath)

Alnus incana; gray alder; grey alder (native to Europe but introduced in America)

Alnus maritima; seaside alder (shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood)

Alnus rhombifolia; mountain alder; white alder (tree of western United States)

Alnus rubra; Oregon alder; red alder (large tree of Pacific coast of North America having hard red wood much used for furniture)

Alnus rugosa; speckled alder (common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down)

Alnus serrulata; hazel alder; smooth alder (common shrub of the eastern United States with smooth bark)

Alnus veridis; green alder (shrub of mountainous areas of Europe)

Alnus crispa; Alnus veridis crispa; green alder (North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts)

Holonyms ("genus Alnus" is a member of...):

Betulaceae; birch family; family Betulaceae (monoecious trees and shrubs (including the genera Betula and Alnus and Carpinus and Corylus and Ostrya and Ostryopsis))



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