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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Genus of large tropical east Asian cormous aroids: devil's tongue; snake palmplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Amorphophallus" is a kind of...):

liliopsid genus; monocot genus (genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed)

Meronyms (members of "genus Amorphophallus"):

amorphophallus (any plant of the genus Amorphophallus)

Amorphophallus campanulatus; Amorphophallus paeonifolius; elephant yam; pungapung; telingo potato (putrid-smelling aroid of southeastern Asia (especially the Philippines) grown for its edible tuber)

Amorphophallus rivieri; devil's tongue; snake palm; umbrella arum (foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix)

Amorphophallus titanum; krubi; titan arum (malodorous tropical plant having a spathe that resembles the corolla of a morning glory and attains a diameter of several feet)

Holonyms ("genus Amorphophallus" is a member of...):

Araceae; arum family; family Araceae (anthurium; calla lily; jack-in-the-pulpit; philodendron)



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