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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A genus of trees of the family Betulaceae (such as birches)play


Betula; genus Betula

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Betula" is a kind of...):

hamamelid dicot genus (genus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins)

Meronyms (members of "genus Betula"):

birch; birch tree (any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark)

Betula alleghaniensis; Betula leutea; yellow birch (tree of eastern North America with thin lustrous yellow or grey bark)

American white birch; Betula cordifolia; Betula papyrifera; canoe birch; paper birch; paperbark birch (small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes)

American gray birch; American grey birch; Betula populifolia; gray birch; grey birch (medium-sized birch of eastern North America having white or pale grey bark and valueless wood; occurs often as a second-growth forest tree)

Betula pendula; common birch; European white birch; silver birch (European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches)

Betula pubescens; downy birch; white birch (European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches)

Betula nigra; black birch; red birch; river birch (birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark)

Betula lenta; black birch; cherry birch; sweet birch (common birch of the eastern United States having spicy brown bark yielding a volatile oil and hard dark wood used for furniture)

Betula neoalaskana; Yukon white birch (Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark)

Betula fontinalis; mountain birch; swamp birch; water birch; Western birch; Western paper birch (birch of western United States resembling the paper birch but having brownish bark)

American dwarf birch; Betula glandulosa; Newfoundland dwarf birch (small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland)

Holonyms ("genus Betula" is a member of...):

Betulaceae; birch family; family Betulaceae (monoecious trees and shrubs (including the genera Betula and Alnus and Carpinus and Corylus and Ostrya and Ostryopsis))



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