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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Genus of western United States bulbous plants with basal leaves and variously colored flowers; sometimes placed in family Alliaceaeplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Brodiaea" is a kind of...):

liliid monocot genus (genus of monocotyledonous plants comprising mostly herbs having usually petaloid sepals and petals and compound pistils)

Meronyms (members of "genus Brodiaea"):

brodiaea (any of several plants of the genus Brodiaea having basal grasslike leaves and globose flower heads on leafless stems resembling those of genus Allium)

Brodiaea elegans; elegant brodiaea (brodiaea having an umbel of violet or blue-violet flowers atop a leafless stalk; northern Oregon to southern California)

Holonyms ("genus Brodiaea" is a member of...):

family Liliaceae; Liliaceae; lily family (includes species sometimes divided among the following families: Alliaceae; Aloeaceae; Alstroemeriaceae; Aphyllanthaceae; Asparagaceae; Asphodelaceae; Colchicaceae; Convallariaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Hostaceae; Hyacinthaceae; Melanthiaceae; Ruscaceae; Smilacaceae; Tecophilaeacea; Xanthorrhoeaceae)



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