A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Type genus of the family Ixodidaeplay


genus Ixodes; Ixodes

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("genus Ixodes" is a kind of...):

arthropod genus (a genus of arthropods)

Meronyms (members of "genus Ixodes"):

deer tick; Ixodes dammini (a northeastern tick now recognized as same species as Ixodes scapularis)

Ixodes neotomae (a tick that usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to dusky-footed wood rats)

Ixodes pacificus; western black-legged tick (a tick that feeds on dusky-footed wood rat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California)

black-legged tick; Ixodes scapularis (parasitic on mice of genus Peromyscus and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in eastern United States (especially New England); northern form was for a time known as Ixodes dammini (deer tick))

Ixodes ricinus; sheep-tick; sheep tick (parasitic on sheep and cattle as well as humans; can transmit looping ill in sheep (acute viral disease of the nervous system); a vector for Lyme disease spirochete)

Ixodes persulcatus (bites humans; a vector for Lyme disease spirochete)

Ixodes dentatus; Ixodes spinipalpis (usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats)

Holonyms ("genus Ixodes" is a member of...):

family Ixodidae; Ixodidae (hard ticks)



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