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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Genus of shrubs or herbs of tropical Asia and Australia and the eastern United Statesplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Lespedeza" is a kind of...):

rosid dicot genus (a genus of dicotyledonous plants)

Meronyms (members of "genus Lespedeza"):

bush clover; lespedeza (shrubby or herbaceous plants widely used for forage, soil improvement, and especially hay in southern United States)

bicolor lespediza; ezo-yama-hagi; Lespedeza bicolor (Asian shrub having conspicuous racemose rose-purple flowers widely used as an ornamental and in erosion control and as a source of feed for wild birds)

jap clover; japan clover; japanese clover; Lespedeza striata (an annual of tropical Asia naturalized in United States)

Korean lespedeza; Lespedeza stipulacea (annual native to Korea but widely cultivated for forage and hay in hot dry regions)

Lespedeza cuneata; Lespedeza sericea; sericea lespedeza (perennial widely planted as for forage and as hay crop especially on poor land)

Holonyms ("genus Lespedeza" is a member of...):

Papilionoideae; subfamily Papilionoideae (alternative name used in some classification systems for the family Papilionaceae)



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