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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


In some classifications: comprising those members of the genus Rhus having foliage that is poisonous to the touch; of North America and northern South Americaplay


genus Toxicodendron; Toxicodendron

Classified under:

Nouns denoting plants

Hypernyms ("genus Toxicodendron" is a kind of...):

dicot genus; magnoliopsid genus (genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination)

Meronyms (members of "genus Toxicodendron"):

poison ash; poison dogwood; poison sumac; Rhus vernix; Toxicodendron vernix (smooth American swamp shrub with pinnate leaves and greenish flowers followed by greenish white berries; yields an irritating oil)

markweed; poison ivy; poison mercury; poison oak; Rhus radicans; Toxicodendron radicans (climbing plant common in eastern and central United States with ternate leaves and greenish flowers followed by white berries; yields an irritating oil that causes a rash on contact)

Rhus diversiloba; Toxicodendron diversilobum; western poison oak (poisonous shrub of the Pacific coast of North America that causes a rash on contact)

eastern poison oak; Rhus quercifolia; Rhus toxicodenedron; Toxicodendron quercifolium (poisonous shrub of southeastern United States causing a rash on contact)

Chinese lacquer tree; Japanese lacquer tree; Japanese sumac; Japanese varnish tree; lacquer tree; Rhus verniciflua; Toxicodendron vernicifluum; varnish tree (small Asiatic tree yielding a toxic exudate from which lacquer is obtained)

Holonyms ("genus Toxicodendron" is a member of...):

Anacardiaceae; family Anacardiaceae; sumac family (the cashew family; trees and shrubs and vines having resinous (sometimes poisonous) juice; includes cashew and mango and pistachio and poison ivy and sumac)



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