A new language, a new life
/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of beesplay


beehive; hive

Classified under:

Nouns denoting man-made objects

Hypernyms ("hive" is a kind of...):

receptacle (a container that is used to put or keep things in)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "hive"):

skep (a domed beehive made of twisted straw)

Holonyms ("hive" is a part of...):

apiary; bee house (a shed containing a number of beehives)


hive (store, like bees)

Sense 2


A teeming multitudeplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects

Hypernyms ("hive" is a kind of...):

concourse; multitude; throng (a large gathering of people)

Sense 3


A structure that provides a natural habitation for bees; as in a hollow treeplay


beehive; hive

Classified under:

Nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made)

Hypernyms ("hive" is a kind of...):

nest (a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young)

Meronyms (parts of "hive"):

honeycomb (a structure of small hexagonal cells constructed from beeswax by bees and used to store honey and larvae)

 II. (verb) 

Verb forms

Present simple: I / you / we / they hive  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation ... he / she / it hives  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past simple: hived  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Past participle: hived  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

-ing form: hiving  Listen to US pronunciation  Listen to GB pronunciation

Sense 1


Gather into a hiveplay


The beekeeper hived the swarm

Classified under:

Verbs of touching, hitting, tying, digging

Hypernyms (to "hive" is one way to...):

collect; garner; gather; pull together (assemble or get together)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something

Sense 2


Move together in a hive or as if in a hiveplay


The bee swarms are hiving

Classified under:

Verbs of walking, flying, swimming

Hypernyms (to "hive" is one way to...):

assemble; foregather; forgather; gather; meet (collect in one place)

Sentence frames:

Something ----s
Somebody ----s

Sense 3


Store, like beesplay


He hived lots of information

Classified under:

Verbs of buying, selling, owning

Hypernyms (to "hive" is one way to...):

hive away; lay in; put in; salt away; stack away; stash away; store (keep or lay aside for future use)

Sentence frame:

Somebody ----s something


hive away (keep or lay aside for future use)

hive up (save up as for future use)


hive (a man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees)


 Context examples: 

Cherish her, then, whilst you may, for the day will come when every hasty deed or heedless word will come back with its sting to hive in your own heart.

(Rodney Stone, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The exact mix depends on a honey bee’s age and function in the hive.

(Species Shifts in the Honey Bee Microbiome Differ with Age and Hive Role, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Called ram pressure stripping, the process occurs when a galaxy, due to the pull of gravity, falls toward the dense center of a massive cluster of thousands of galaxies, which swarm around like a hive of bees.

(Hubble Sees Plunging Galaxy Losing Its Gas, NASA)

Forty more paces, Tita mia, and I swear to the holy Eloi, patron of all learned craftsmen, that I will never set foot over my door again until the whole swarm are safely hived in their camp of Dax, or wherever else they curse with their presence.

(The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

In rare cases, hives can cause a dangerous swelling in your airways, making it hard to breathe - which is a medical emergency.

(Hives, NIH)

They found that similar to how vaccines work, the dietary RNA activated an immune response that prevented disease and death when hives were later exposed to the live virus.

(Discovery of RNA transfer through royal jelly could aid development of honey bee vaccines, University of Cambridge)

Honey bee queens, which lay all of the eggs in a hive, commonly last about three years in managed colonies before beekeepers replace them as reproduction slows.

(Species Shifts in the Honey Bee Microbiome Differ with Age and Hive Role, U.S. Department of Agriculture)

Allergic reactions cause your body to release chemicals that can make your skin swell up in hives.

(Hives, NIH)

The findings demonstrate that bees share ‘transmissible RNA’ among members of the colony, likely as a way of sharing immunity among members and generations in the hive and to enable other bees to adapt to different environmental conditions.

(Discovery of RNA transfer through royal jelly could aid development of honey bee vaccines, University of Cambridge)

Hives are red and sometimes itchy bumps on your skin.

(Hives, NIH)


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