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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping earsplay


hound; hound dog

Classified under:

Nouns denoting animals

Hypernyms ("hound dog" is a kind of...):

hunting dog (a dog used in hunting game)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "hound dog"):

Weimaraner (large breed of hound having a smooth greyish coat; originated in Germany)

staghound (a large heavy hound formerly used in hunting stags and other large game; similar to but larger than a foxhound)

deerhound; Scottish deerhound (very large and tall rough-coated dog bred for hunting deer; known as the royal dog of Scotland)

gazelle hound; Saluki (old breed of tall swift keen-eyed hunting dogs resembling greyhounds; from Egypt and southwestern Asia)

otter hound; otterhound (hardy British hound having long pendulous ears and a thick coarse shaggy coat with an oily undercoat; bred for hunting otters)

elkhound; Norwegian elkhound (breed of compact medium-sized dog with a heavy grey coat developed in Norway for hunting elk)

Ibizan hound; Ibizan Podenco (breed of slender agile medium-sized hound found chiefly in the Balearic Islands; said to have been bred originally by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt)

greyhound (a tall slender dog of an ancient breed noted for swiftness and keen sight; used as a racing dog)

wolfhound (the largest breed of dogs; formerly used to hunt wolves)

redbone (a speedy red or red-and-tan American hound)

Plott hound (a brindle-coated American hound used in hunting bears and wild boars)

harrier (a hound that resembles a foxhound but is smaller; used to hunt rabbits)

foxhound (medium-sized glossy-coated hounds developed for hunting foxes)

coonhound (any of several breeds of hound developed for hunting raccoons)

boarhound (large hound used in hunting wild boars)

bluetick (a very fast American hound; white mottled with bluish grey)

bloodhound; sleuthhound (a breed of large powerful hound of European origin having very acute smell and used in tracking)

beagle (a small short-legged smooth-coated breed of hound)

basset; basset hound (smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears)

Afghan; Afghan hound (tall graceful breed of hound with a long silky coat; native to the Near East)

Holonyms ("hound dog" is a member of...):

pack (a group of hunting animals)



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