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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


Wetness in the atmosphereplay


humidity; humidness

Classified under:

Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

Hypernyms ("humidity" is a kind of...):

wetness (the condition of containing or being covered by a liquid (especially water))

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "humidity"):

mugginess (a state of warm humidity)


humid (containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor)

humidify (make (more) humid)


 Context examples: 

During hot weather, especially with high humidity, sweating just isn't enough.

(Heat Illness, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Now, the researchers analysed the different isotopes of water trapped within the crystal structure of the gypsum to determine changes in rainfall and relative humidity during the Maya downfall.

(Scientists measure severity of drought during the Maya collapse, University of Cambridge)

Their promixity to one another, along with the caves' and mines' natural humidity, has fueled the outbreak of one of the worst bat diseases in history: White Nose Syndrome (WNS).

(Hibernation season over, will disease-ridden bats emerge from caves and mines this spring?, NSF)

This species is catalase and oxidase positive, nonmotile, colistin-resistant, grows on chocolate agar in high humidity, and is characterized by its ability to produce acid from glucose, maltose, and lactose, as well as by its ability to produce beta-galactosidase.

(Neisseria lactamica, NCI Thesaurus)

The study also found that the urban heat island effect, the phenomenon in which cities are warmer than their surroundings, is not the only culprit behind the shift, suggesting that other aspects of urbanization, such as pollution, changes in humidity and fertilizer runoff, may also influence plants' seasonal patterns.

(Urbanization delays spring plant growth in warm regions, National Science Foundation)

Additional protection might come from a cover of dust and a hardened duricrust that traps the humidity below the surface, but this is unlikely to prevent ice loss over timescales of the axial tilt cycles.

(A Fresh Look at Older Data Yields a Surprise Near the Martian Equator, NASA)

Researchers compared recently available global land cover observations of temperature and humidity from satellites over 12 years with results from GFDL’s sophisticated, high-resolution Earth System Model and found that model results were consistent with observations.

(Forests minimize severe heat waves, NOAA)

The latest findings, part of the UC Berkeley Grinnell Resurvey Project, come from comparing levels of species declines with computer simulations of how virtual birds must deal with heat on an average hot day in Death Valley, which can be in the 30s Celsius — 90s Fahrenheit — with low humidity.

(Collapse of desert bird populations likely due to heat stress from climate change, National Science Foundation)

Conditions should be even more favorable at higher latitudes, where colder temperatures and more water vapor can result in higher relative humidity more often.

(Mars Rover's Weather Data Bolster Case for Brine, NASA)

To show that the local climate contributed to this difference, the researchers looked at the spatial distribution of these traits and correlated them with local temperatures and humidity.

(Nose Form Was Shaped by Climate, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)


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