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/ English Dictionary


Pronunciation (US): Play  (GB): Play

 I. (noun) 

Sense 1


A colloidal gel in which water is the dispersion mediumplay

Classified under:

Nouns denoting substances

Hypernyms ("hydrogel" is a kind of...):

colloidal gel; gel (a colloid in a more solid form than a sol)


 Context examples: 

Via photopolymerization, this agent is a component of hydrogels, which are used in applications such as scaffolds for tissue engineering or drug delivery carriers.

(Glycol Dimethacrylate, NCI Thesaurus)

Injectable hydrogels are promising materials for achieving hemostasis in case of internal injuries and bleeding, as these biomaterials can be introduced into a wound site using minimally invasive approaches.

(Injectable Bandage Created, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

The scientists 3D printed the bioreactor out of silicon and filled it with hydrogel — a sticky glob of polymers.

(Scientists Help Frogs to Regenerate Their Limbs with Bioreactor Device, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Upon gargling and rinsing with this solution, it forms a soothing protective hydrogel coating over the oral mucosa, thereby potentially preventing or reducing chemotherapy-induced mucositis.

(Mucoadhesive Oral Wound Rinse, NCI Thesaurus)

Furthermore, mouse cells colonized the hydrogel and secreted extracellular matrix.

(Scientists design a new hydrogel that helps regenerate cartilage, University of Granada)

The charged characteristics of clay-based nanoparticles provide hemostatic ability to the hydrogels.

(Injectable Bandage Created, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

Not only that, these chondrocytes proliferated by colonizing the entire hydrogel, producing an extracellular matrix rich in proteoglycans, similar to that which they produce in native cartilage.

(Scientists design a new hydrogel that helps regenerate cartilage, University of Granada)

The study uses a commonly used thickening agent known as kappa-carrageenan, obtained from seaweed, to design injectable hydrogels.

(Injectable Bandage Created, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)

An international team of scientists, led by the University of Granada (UGR), has designed a new hydrogel using pioneering polymer microarrays technology, which successfully helps to regenerate cartilage.

(Scientists design a new hydrogel that helps regenerate cartilage, University of Granada)

They uses kappa-carrageenan and nanosilicates to form injectable hydrogels to promote hemostasis (the process to stop bleeding) and facilitate wound healing via a controlled release of therapeutics.

(Injectable Bandage Created, The Titi Tudorancea Bulletin)


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